e-ISSN : 2149-8156
Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery     
Early and mid-term results of irrigated radiofrequency left atrial ablation in chronic atrial fibrillation with concomitant mitral valvular pathology
Levent Yılık1, Kıvanç Bayatlı1, Banu Lafcı1, Bilgin Emrecan 1, Mert Kestelli 1, Cengiz Özbek 1, Nagihan Karahan 2, Ali Gürbüz1
1Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, İzmir Atatürk Training and Research Hospital, İzmir
2Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation, İzmir Atatürk Training and Research Hospital, İzmir
Background: Mid-term results of radiofrequency (RF) left atrial ablation in patients undergoing mitral valve surgery were evaluated in the present study.

Methods: Thirty two patients (12 males, 20 females; mean age 45.2±10.9 years; range 19 to 65) were operated for chronic atrial fibrillation in conjunction to mitral valve disease between May 2002 and February 2005. All patients had onset of chronic atrial fibrillation at least 1 year prior to surgical intervention. RF ablation and mitral valve surgery was performed to all of the patients.

Results: The recovery of sinus rhythm (SR) was 84.3% on the first postoperative day, 90.6% on discharge and 78.1% 6 months after the surgery.

Conclusion: The modified Maze III procedure with RF is safe and effective. Maintenance of the sinus rhythm is as high as the conventional surgical procedure.

Keywords : Atrial fibrillation; catheter ablation; mitral valve
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