e-ISSN : 2149-8156
Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery     
An unusual case of left ventricular pseudoaneurysm accompanied by chronic aortic dissection
Banu Lafcı, İbrahim Özsöyler, Mert Kestelli, Yüksel Beşir, Ali Gürbüz
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Atatürk Training and Research Hospital, İzmir
We presented a 71-year-old man with a left ventricular pseudoaneurysm occurring after myocardial infarction and coexisting chronic type A aortic dissection detected by chance during the operation. The patient presented with a complaint of dyspnea on exertion four months after myocardial infarction and two months after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty for a circumflex coronary artery lesion. Transthoracic echocardiography showed a large left ventricular pseudoaneurysm in the left ventricular posterior wall. Diagnosis was confirmed by cardiac catheterization. Coronary angiography revealed total in-stent occlusion of the circumflex coronary artery with poor distal vasculature. A chronic aortic dissection was detected during antegrade cardioplegia cannula insertion. Supracoronary ascending aorta replacement was performed with a synthetic tube graft and the pseudoaneurysm was resected. Pathologic examination of the resected tissue from the aneurism wall revealed no myocardial tissue. The patient was discharged uneventfully on the eighth postoperative day.
Keywords : Aneurysm, false/surgery; heart ventricles/surgery; myocardial infarction/complications
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