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Aortic occlusion: five case reports
Serhat Akay, Gökhan Elçin, Nazif Erkan
Emergency Department, İzmir Bozyaka Training and Research Hospital, İzmir, Turkey
DOI : 10.5606/tgkdc.dergisi.2012.181
Aortic occlusion (AO) is a rare entity with high morbidity
and mortality. In this article, we present five cases who were
admitted to Emergency Department with various symptoms
and diagnosed with AO of abdominal aorta. All five cases
had overlapping symptoms. Medical history of all cases
included atherosclerotic diseases such as coronary artery
disease, cerebrovascular and peripheric artery disease.
Four of the cases had complete occlusion of abdominal
aorta, while one had 95% occlusion. Computed tomography
remained an important tool for the diagnosis. All the cases
had signs of mesenteric ischemia and died despite all
efforts. As the aorta perfuses different systems and limbs,
symptoms of AO may vary from patient to patient. Thus, it
may be challenging for physicians to diagnose this disease.
Although the diagnosis is based on early embolectomy
or grafting and revascularization is ensured, mortality is
inevitable in most of the cases. The differential diagnosis of
AO should be considered in the patients with overlapping
symptoms and a comprehensive physical examination with
vascular components should be performed.
Keywords : Aortic occlusion; computed tomography; emergency department
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