e-ISSN : 2149-8156
Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery     
Salvage of the exposed cardiac pacemakers with pocket change and local flaps
N. Sinem Çiloğlu1, Nesrin Gümüş1, Teoman Eraslan1, Ufuk Çiloğlu2
1Haydarpaşa Numune Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Kliniği, İstanbul, Türkiye
2Dr. Siyami Ersek Göğüs Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi Kliniği, İstanbul, Türkiye
DOI : 10.5606/tgkdc.dergisi.2014.8939
Background: This study aims to investigate the efficacy of salvage of the exposed cardiac pacemakers with pocket change and local flaps in patients undergoing pacemaker implantation.

Methods: Between January 2011 and January 2013, 11 patients (7 females, 4 males; mean age 53 years; range 28 to 65 years) who were treated due to pacemaker exposition were retrospectively analyzed. Exposed pacemaker and the wires were dissected carefully and subpectoral repositioning of the device through anterior muscle fibers was performed.

Results: Only one patient had hematoma formation at early stage and revision was performed. All patients were treated successfully. No complication was observed during the follow-up period.

Conclusion: Formation of a new pocket, replacing the pacemaker in that pocket and reconstruction with local flaps is an effective treatment modality in case of cardiac pacemaker expositions.

Keywords : Exposed; local flap; pacemaker
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