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Reoperalion For Prosthetic Valve Thrombosis in Pregnancy
Reoperalion For Prosthetic Valve Thrombosis in Pregnancy
Bahadır DAĞLAR, Kaan KIRALİ, Eset AKINCI, Mustafa GÜLER, Turan BERKİ, Ömer IŞIK, Cevat YAKUT
Koşuyolu Kalp ve Araştırma Hastanesi
For the perioperative management of pregnant pa
tients with prosthetic valve thrombosis who require
a cardiac surgical procedure and cardiopulmonary
bypass, the well-being of both the mother and the fe
tus must be considered. The best interests of the
mother and the fetus may not coincide, and optimal
therapy for one may be inappropriate for the other.
Between 1991 and 1996, we operated two pregnant
patients who had prosthetic valve thrombosis. One
baby died intrauterine, and the other was borned
with cesarean section before cardiac operation. Both
of the mothers recovered uneventfully.
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