e-ISSN : 2149-8156
Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery     
Does medical ozone increase the pleurodesis effectiveness of autologous blood?
Akın Yıldızhan1, Fatih Candaş1, Ömer Yavuz1, Abdullah Haholu2, Orhan Yücel1, Rauf Görür1, Turgut Işıtmangil1
1Departments of Thoracic Surgery, GMMA Haydarpaşa Training Hospital, İstanbul, Turkey
2Departments of Pathology, GMMA Haydarpaşa Training Hospital, İstanbul, Turkey
DOI : 10.5606/tgkdc.dergisi.2016.13111
Background: This study aims to evaluate the efficacy and safety of ozoned autologous blood used for pleurodesis as well as histopathological changes forming on pleural surface.

Methods: This experimental study included 30 male albino Wistar rats (260 to 320 g, 6 to 8 months old). Rats were randomly divided into three groups of 10. In group 1, 2 mL/kg intrapleural autologous blood was administered. In group 2, 2 mL/kg intrapleural ozoned autologous blood (1 mL/kg of autologous blood and 1 mL/kg of ozone mixture) was administered. In group 3, 2 mL/kg intrapleural saline was administered. Pleural surfaces were graded via macroscopic and microscopic examination on the 30th day.

Results: Macroscopically, pleurodesis creating mild adhesion developed in group 1. General adhesion was seen in pleural space in group 2. No adhesion developed in group 3. Microscopically, ozoned blood caused moderate fibrosis and inflammatory response on visceral pleural surface (p<0.05). No significant change was seen in pleural surface microscopically in groups 1 and 3.

Conclusion: In this study, we detected that ozone increases the pleurodesis efficacy of autologous blood in rats. However, further studies with human populations are required to validate our results.

Keywords : Autologous blood; ozone; pleurodesis
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