e-ISSN : 2149-8156
Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery     
Extended pneumonectomy for advanced lung cancer with cardiovascular structural invasions
Shi-Min Yuan
Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, The First Hospital of Putian, Teaching Hospital, Fujian Medical University, Putian, China
DOI : 10.5606/tgkdc.dergisi.2018.15059
Background: This study aims to investigate the predictive factors in relation to tumor stages, mediastinal involvements, perioperative adjuvant therapies and surgical techniques in advanced lung cancer patients who underwent extended pneumonectomy with cardiovascular structural resection.

Methods: A comprehensive literature review was performed for extended pneumonectomies with cardiovascular structural resections in the PubMed, Google Scholar and HighWire Press for the year range 2000-2016. Data were carefully extracted regarding details such as the study population, demographics, clinical features, types of lung cancer, pathologic stages, nodal involvement, extent of pneumonectomy, cardiovascular structural resections, use of cardiopulmonary bypass, completeness of resection, pre- and postoperative adjuvant therapies, 1-5-year survival, median survival duration, comorbidity and mortality.

Results: Patients undergoing extended pneumonectomy with cardiovascular structural resection were characterized more by squamous carcinomas, N0 or N1, T4, stage 3 and left atrial invasions. More patients received postoperative radiochemotherapy than radioor chemotherapy. The five-year survival rate was 30.5±11.5% and the median survival duration was 23.0±10.7 months. Level 1 left atrial, aortic adventitial, and partial superior vena cava resections could be performed without cardiopulmonary bypass, while levels 2 and 3 left atrial resections with aorta or superior/inferior vena cava replacement should be performed under cardiopulmonary bypass.

Conclusion: The advent of cardiopulmonary bypass facilitated complete resection of lung cancer, while leading to potential risks of metastasis and reoccurrence. Pathological status, surgical techniques and pre- and postoperative adjuvant therapies affect survival significantly. Surgical indications and negative predictive risk factors for patients’ survival warrant further evaluations.

Keywords : Cardiopulmonary bypass; lung neoplasms; neoplasm metastasis; pneumonectomy
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