e-ISSN : 2149-8156
Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery     
Left Ventricular Outflow Tract Reconstruction with Konno-Rastan Procedure
Tayyar SARIOĞLU, Mehmet S. BİLAL, Barbaros KINOĞLU, Ayşe SARIOĞLU, Atıf AKÇEVİN, Ahmet ÖZKARA, Rüstem OLGA, Aydın AYTAÇ
İ. Ü. Kardiyoloji Enstitüsü Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi Anabilim Dalı
In our clinic, 3 patients (8, 14 and 15-years-old) underwent Konno-Rastan procedure with mechanical valve replacement. The first two patients had valvular plus annular aortic stenosis. The third patient had also tunnel-like subvalvular stenosis and aortic coarctation. Preoperative transaortic pressure gradients were measured consequently as 144, 90 and 200 mmHg and the diameter of the aortic annulus 12, 15 and 13 mmHg respectively. Valve replacement could be performed with 19-Carbomedics, 23-Duramedics and 23-St. Jude mechanical prosthesis. In the third patient, the coarctation of the aorta was repaired transsternally by patch aortoplasty at the same operation. All the patients were in sinus rhythm postoperatively. They had uneventfull postoperative period. We detected echocardiographically mild pulmonary stenosis in the second patient and hemodynamically insignificant left to right shunt at interventricular patch in the third. All of them are asymptomatic without medication and in NYHA class 1 after 5 years, 3 years and 2 months consequently. We conclude that left ventricular outflowtract reconstruction with Konno-Rastan, procedure is not a high risk operation in cihldhood and yields excellent early and long-term results.
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