e-ISSN : 2149-8156
Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery     
The Applications and The Results of Intraoperative Transluminal Ballon Dilatation in Vascular Surgery
Necati ÖZDEMİR, Carl-Josef NÜSSER
Marienhospital Hamm - Almanya Damar Cerrahisi Kliniği
From 1/90 to 10/91, 48 intraoperative transluminal ballon dilatations were performed in 46 patients in the vascular surgery clinic of Marienhospital Hamm-Germany.

The age range of our patients was 45-87 years and the average age 55.31. The average follow up period was 21.03 months.

The rate of major amputations was %0.0. 3 patients died during the early postoperative period (%6.25). Recovery was observed in all patients. None of the cases had a requirement of reconstructive surgery due to residual disease.

As a results, it is concluded that intraoperative transluminal ballon dilatation can extend the theraphy spectrum of vascular surgery and increase the effectiveness of treatment.

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