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Early Result of The Surgical Treatment of Superior Sulcus Tumours
Early Result of The Surgical Treatment of Superior Sulcus Tumours
Cemal Asım KUTLU, Aysun ÖLÇMEN, Adnan Sayar, Muzaffer METİN, Müfid ÖLÇMEN
Yedikule Göğüs Cerrahisi Merkezi, 2. Cerrahi Kliniği
Surgical treatment of SST has been recently considered at 2nd Surgery Clinic of Yedikule Thoracic Surgery Centre. We retrospectively reviewed the outcome following surgical resection in 8 consecutive patents with SST. The diagnosis was made with the criteria defined by Paulson. All patients were male and ranged in age between 32-61 years (average 42.6). Surgery without preoperative radiotherapy (RT) was undertaken in 6 patients. A wedge resection was performed in 4 patients and lobectomy in 3 including the resection of the first 3 ribs. The tumour was not resectable in a patient due to VCS invasion. Surgical resection was not considered as en-bloc due to positive margins in 4 and N2 disease in one. In 2 patients evaluated with MR the margins of resected specimen and lymh nodes were tumour free. There was no postoperative deaht in this series. One of the patients was complicated with chylothorax and required rethoracotomy on 6. postoperative day Five of the patients died within a year postoperatively Median survival was 10 months (6-13 months). The remaining 3 patients including 2 had a curative resection, remain on cilinical follow up for 1-10 months without a locak or distant recurrence. We think resectability of SST must be evaluated with MR preoperatively for the assessment of local invasion. Thoracotomy for SST must be undertaken with well-defined protocols inculding treatment policies and surgical indications.
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