Çalışma planı: Mart 2015 - Nisan 2015 tarihleri arasında rastgele seçilen, 2 ila 3 kg ağırlığında 12 Yeni Zelanda tavşanı iki gruba ayrıldı. Sağ karotis arterler transekte edildi ve 8-0 prolen, devamlı sütur tekniği ile sütüre edildi. Kontrol grubuna (n=6) herhangi bir ilaç verilmez iken, çalışma grubuna (n=6) yedi gün boyunca 150 IU/kg/gün bemiparin verildi. Tavşanların tümü 28. günde sakrifiye edildi ve karotis arter segmentleri çıkarılarak, histolojik inceleme için hazırlandı.
Bulgular: Tüm histokimyasal ve histomorfolojik analizler gruplara kör iki araştırmacı tarafından yapıldı. Kontrol grubunun damar örneklerinin kesitsel analizinde, tunika intimada kalınlaşma izlendi ve bir kesitte intimal kalınlaşma çok az sayıda rekanalizasyon alanları ile birlikte lümeni neredeyse tamamen tıkamıştı. Bemiparin grubunda, kontrol grubuna kıyasla, intimal hiperplazi (p<0.006) ve tunika media kalınlığı (p<0.018) azalmıştı. Gruplar arasında ortalama luminal çapları ve luminal alanlarının histomorfometrik analizi açısından anlamlı bir fark yoktu (sırasıyla p<0.100, p<0.068).
Sonuç: Çalışma sonuçlarımız, hayvan modelinde bemiparinin neointimal hiperplazi ve endotelyal hücre proliferasyonunu önleyerek etkisini gösterdiğini ortaya koymaktadır.
Potent anti-thrombotic agents, wide therapeutic index, lower bleeding risk, cost-effectiveness, a favorable risk-benefit ratio, and patient compliance and satisfaction are critical factors for choosing a LMWH molecule. Lower bleeding risk (2%), predictable responses, longer duration of half-time, lower incidences of bone loss, and lower allergic reaction and bacterial contamination are the main advantages of LMWHs.[2,3] In addition, they have been reported to be more useful, compared to unfractioned heparins (UFHs).
In recent years, ultra-LMWHs (ULMWHs less than 5.000 Da) have been developed to improve the efficiency of anti-thrombotic treatment of occlusive arterial diseases. However, the protection mechanism responsible for this effect has not been elucidated, yet. Establishment of a carotid artery model in animals would be, hence, useful for better understanding the immunohistochemistry in human patients.
Bemiparin is a ULMWHs.[3-5] Nowadays, it is licensed for using thromboprophylaxis after either general or orthopedic surgery. In this study, we aimed to investigate the effects of bemiparin on intimal hyperplasia and endothelial cell proliferation in a rabbit carotid artery model.
The experiment was performed on 12 male rabbits (2,000 to 3,000 g; age 10 to 12 weeks) according to the guidelines provided by the experimental animal laboratory. Animals were divided into two groups with six subjects in each group. All animals in the bemiparin group received bemiparin 150 IU/kg (Hibor®, Rovi Pharmaceutical Laboratories, Madrid, Spain; batch 11105A) for seven days. The control group did not receive any prophylactic treatment. Right-sided carotid arteries were transected and restored with 8-0 polypropylene sutures (Figures 1, 2). Bemiparin was injected subcutaneously according to the dose used in previous studies in the literature.[6] All rabbits were sacrificed on Day 28, and the carotid artery segments were removed and prepared for histological specimens.
Figure 1: Animal model image 1.
Figure 2: Animal model image 2.
Anesthesia and surgical procedure
Intramuscular anesthesia was admininistered
using ketamine hydrochloride 50 mg/kg (Pfizer,
İstanbul, Turkey) and xylazine 5 mg/kg (Bayer Türk
Kimya Sanayi, İstanbul, Turkey). Cefazolin sodium
50 mg/kg (Bilim İlac Sanayi, İstanbul, Turkey)
intramuscularly was used to prevent infections. In
addition, 3.5x surgical loupes (Designs for Vision Inc.,
Long Island, NY, USA) were used during dissection
and operation. All animals were first placed in supine
position. The right carotid arteries were reached
near the trachea and excised about 1 cm in size for
the operation. Next, a 1 mm in length incision was
made in the blocked interval of the artery with a
silk suture to its vertical axis, using an iris blade for
coronary surgery. The right carotid artery segment
was sutured with continuous suture technique using
a 6.5 mm, 3-8 circle, 8-0 polypropylene material
(Ethicon Inc., Somerville, NJ, USA). Maintenance
of arterial blood flow during the procedure was
achieved with this technique. The surgical procedures
are shown in Figures 1 and 2. Skin closure was
performed with 2-0 polypropylene (Johnson &
Johnson Medical Devices Companies, Belgium). The
animals were, then, kept on a 12-h dark/light cycles
at temperature (24±2 °C) and humidity (55-60%),
and were maintained on ad libitum throughout the
experiment. The euthanasia was performed with
high-dose ketamine and xylazine, and the carotid
artery specimens were taken during surgery for
morphological examinations on postoperative Day 28.
Histopathological evaluation
Light microscopic examination
The carotid arteries were removed and fixed
in 10% neutral-buffered formalin, dehydrated in
a graded series of isopropyl alcohol (60 to 100%),
followed by xylol before being embedded in paraffin.
After specimens were blocked in paraffin, 5 μm
sections were taken with rotary microtome (RM 2255,
Leica Instruments, Nussloch, Germany) on poly-L
lysine coated slides. The hematoxylin and eosin
(H&E, Surgipath, 01562E, Bretton, Cambridgeshire,
UK)-stained sections were used to evaluate overall
histomorphological and morphometric measurements.
Images were obtained from the selected areas and
analyzed using a computer-assisted image analyzer
system consisting of a microscope (Olympus BX-51, Tokyo, Japan) equipped with a high-resolution video
camera (Olympus, DP70, Japan). All measurements
were made using the UTHSCSA Image Tool version
3.0 software (University of Texas Health Science
Center, San Antonio, TX, USA). The luminal
diameters, luminal areas, intima, media thickness
were all measured and compared between the groups.
Immunohistochemical examination
Immunohistochemical staining was performed
using the streptavidin-avidin-biotin method. Sections
of 5 μm were taken with a rotary microtome (RM 2255,
Leica Instruments, Nussloch, Germany) and were
incubated at 60 °C overnight and, then, dewaxed
in xylene for 30 min. After rehydrating through a
decreasing series of alcohol, the sections were washed
in distilled water for 10 min. They were, then, treated
with 10 mM citrate buffer (Cat No.AP- 9003-125
Labvision) at 95 °C for five min to unmask antigens by
heat treatment. The slides were, then, rinsed three times
for two min each with deionized water. All sections
were delineated using a Dako pen (Dako, Glostrup,
Denmark) and incubated in a solution of 3% H2O2 for
15 min to inhibit endogenous peroxidase activity. They
were, then, incubated with normal serum blocking
solution for 30 min and were incubated in a humid
chamber overnight at 4 °C with (endothelial nitric oxide
synthase [eNOS], anti-eNOS mouse monoclonal Ab,
Genetex, USA). Alpha-smooth muscle actin (a-SMA)
(ab7817, Abcam) primer antibodies. They were washed
three times for five min each with phosphate-buffered
saline (PBS), followed by incubation with biotinylated
immunoglobulin G (IgG) and, then, with streptavidinperoxidase
conjugate (Invitrogen, Histostain-Plus Kit
Broad Spectrum, 85-9043). After washing three times
for five min with PBS, the sections were incubated for
five min with a 3.3-diaminobenzidine (DAB) (1718096,
Roche, Germany) to detect immunoreactivity and,
then, counterstained with the Mayers hematoxylin.
The sections were covered with Entellan® (Merck,
KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany) and were observed by
light microscopy using a BH-2 microscope (Olympus,
Tokyo, Japan).
Image analysis methods
A computerized video camera-based image
analysis system (UTHSCSA Image Tool software
version 3.0, University of Texas Health Science
Center, San Antonio, TX, USA) was used. All
available sections (at least three sections per vessel)
were analyzed; only sections with obvious technical
artefacts related to the staining procedure were
excluded. After the staining process completed, the sections were examined under a light microscope
(Olympus BX-50 Tokyo, Japan) and images
transferred to computer using a high-resolution
camera (Olympus DP-70, Tokyo, Japan). All sections
were digitally captured.
Semi-quantification of immunostaining data
A grade system was used to score the quantity of
e-NOS and a-SMA immunopositive staining. The
score was defined as the following: 1, very few positive
staining was observed in an image and the staining was
mild; 2, positive staining was moderate and between
grade 1 and grade 3; 3, strong positive staining was
evenly distributed in the whole image, and 0, no
immunoreactivity. To maintain consistency of scoring,
each section was graded by two investigators who
were blinded to the groups and the mean values were
calculated. Digital microscopic images were taken at
the area, where the positive cells were observed for
each vessel section. The mean scores were used to
represent the grade of e-NOS and a-SMA staining for
each vessel.
Statistical analysis
Direction and significance of the association
between non-parametric variables were evaluated by using Fishers exact test. In all calculations
and statistical analyses, the SPSS version 15.0
(SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) and Excel software
(Microsoft Inc., Redmond, WA, USA) were used.
Semi-quantitative immune scoring variables
were expressed in mean ± standard deviation
(SD). A p value of less than 0.05 was considered
statistically significant.
Table 1: Mean lumen diameters and lumen area and mean intima-media area values in bemiparin group
Table 2: Mean lumen diameters and lumen area and mean intima-media area values in control group
Bemiparin is a LMWH and has shown beneficial effects in the thromboprophylaxis and the treatment of deep vein thrombosis.[11-15] It is known as a secondgeneration LMWH due to its ultra-low molecular weight (3.600 Da). According to its low molecular weight, it has lower anti-factor IIa (thrombin) activity and an anti-Xa: anti-IIa activity ratio of 8:1 versus a ratio of 1:1 for UFHs and dalteparin 2-3:1.[3,4]
In todays practice, LMWHs have replaced standard heparin in daily clinical setting. They have a high bioavailability (90%) independent from the dose with a two to four hours half-time.[3-6] Elimination is through renal pathway. Also, heparins with shorter chains have improved bioavailability and slower clearance. Their anticoagulant effects are with the inhibition of factor Xa and anti-thrombin. They have lower incidence of bleeding and side effects rather than UFHs. In addition, LMWHs are successful in the prevention and treatment of thromboembolism.[6,13-25] They are more effective than UFH in venous thromboembolism (VTE) and non-Q wave myocardial infarction. Routine heparin therapy in this setting is still under debate. Furthermore, LMWHs are more effective than standard heparin when added to thrombolytic agents; however, bleeding risk increases.[3-6]
On the other hand, the effects on platelet functions of LMWHs and UFH in ischemic conditions is still under debate and have variations. Both decrease the percentage of subendothelial matrix coating of platelets, and this effect is more prominent in LMWHs.[4,5] Two factors are responsible for this: platelet activation results in factor IV release and thrombogenesis induces factor Xa, thereby, activating the platelets. Also, LMWHs have more affinity to factor Xa.[6-8] This supports LMWHs for protection against arterial thrombosis (i.e., acute coronary syndrome and ischemic stroke).
In the literature, data on outcomes of the effect of bemiparin on intimal hyperplasia and endothelial cell proliferation are limited.[16-21] Da Pozzo et al.[3] reported that bemiparin provided a significant decrease, as shown by the reduction of endothelial cell tubule network, while both fondaparinux and UFH did not show any significant effect on in vitro angiogenesis. One major finding of this study is that bemiparin was the only drug to show inhibited angiogenesis in vitro experiments. These results are of utmost importance for the selection of a medical therapy. Yavuz et al.[24] also compared anti-angiogenic p otentials of rivaroxaban, enoxaparin and tinzaparin sodium in chick chorioallantoic membrane in an in vivo experiment. Enoxaparin and tinzaparin dependently increased the anti-angiogenic effects, but did not exceed the median score, whereas rivaroxaban exceeded this threshold and showed more efficacy. In another study, Katrancioglu et al.[25] compared UFH, enoxaparin, and tinzaparin with a similar study protocol. They concluded that UFH had more prominent anti-angiogenic potential than of enoxaparin and tinzaparin. However, the antiangiogenic effect of tinzaparin was dose-dependent and it was more protective for cardiovascular diseases. Dogan et al.[26] also found evident anti-angiogenetic effects of LMWHs with a similar study protocol. However, they concluded that further investigations should be revealed to detect the difference between the effects of LMWHs.
Sánchez-Ferrer et al.[4] demonstrated that bemiparin increased the release and activity of tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) from endothelial cells under both static conditions and arterial sheer stress. Depending on the 1 to 2-h earlier peak activity and longer duration of TFPI than the anti- Xa effect, bemiparin showed a successful antithrombotic activity and improved pharmacological profile, compared to UFHs. Also, bemiparin had a successful anti-thrombotic activity and a better pharmacological profile than UFHs.[3]
Furthermore, several clinical investigations have been preformed on the pharmacovigilance of bemiparin. The percentage of hematoma in the injection sites is lower with bemiparin.[4,5] Postoperative bemiparin use in neuroaxially anesthetized cases has also lower risk of spinal hematoma.[4,5] It i s effective a s warfarin in VTE cases for three months and replaces in many cases oral antiocoagulants in clinical practice.[4-6]
In another study, Ferdows et al.[21] suggested dose reduction for prophylactic use of enoxaparin, bemiparin, and certoparin in patients with a creatinine clearance value below 30 mL/min. In addition, they suggested that prophylactic doses of tinzaparin and dalteparin were likely to be safe in patients with renal insufficiency and these patients do not need dose reduction. In previous studies, LMWHs with the lowest molecular weight (enoxaparin, bemiparin, certoparin, and nadroparin) all showed accumulation in a therapeutic and prophylactic dose.[17-21] In addition, Da Pozzo et al.[3] reported that each LMWH was a pleiotropic biological agent with its own chemical, biochemical, biophysical, and biological characteristics, displaying a unique pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic profile. According to this study, the safety and efficacy of bemiparin, endowed of the highest anti-FXa/anti-FIIa activity ratio of any second-generation LMWH, were demonstrated. These characteristics are also important to improve the antithrombotic profile of an agent.
Caliskan et al.[23] compared the effects of enoxaparin, bemiparin, and rivaroxaban in an ischemia reperfusion model in 40 rats. They measured nitrogen oxide (NOx), prolidase and malondialdehyde (MDA) plasma levels following peripheral ischemia and reperfusion (I/R). The authors proved the prophylactic and therapeutical effects of factor Xa inhibitors against reactive oxygen species (ROS), which lead to ischemia reperfusion injury in post-thrombotic conditions. They concluded that rivaroxaban, a novel oral factor Xa inhibitor, had similar antioxidant protective effects. Their results support that LMWHs decrease oxidative stress and inflammation. In another study, Demirtas et al.[11] investigated whether anticoagulant and antiaggregant agents had protective effects against oxidative damage induced by I/R.[11] Nitrogen oxide levels, MDA levels, paraoxonase-1 (PON-1) activity, and prolidase activity were evaluated in both cardiac and renal tissues. One major finding of this study was that thromboprophylactic agents appeared to provide partial or prominent protection against I/R injury.
In this content, the aim of our study was to evaluate the effects of bemiparin on the cellular and ultrastructural changes in the carotid artery anastomosis model in animals. At the end of the experiment, carotid tissues were removed and fixed. After routine histochemical and histomorphological analyses, tissue sections were investigated immunohistochemically (e-NOS and a-SMA), and ultra-structurally. The former, eNOS, is known to be primarily responsible for the generation of NO in the vascular endothelium.[22] The latter, a-SMA, is known to play a crucial role in fibrogenesis and correlates with the activation of myofibroblasts.[8] Also, SMA is an important part in fibrogenesis and myofibroblast generation.[8] The endothelium plays a major role in regulating usual blood vessel physiology. Intimal hyperplasia is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular field. As a result, arterial elasticity and the muscle smooth muscle cell, collagen, elastic fibrils, and proteoglycans in the matrix alter and vessel wall injury occurs.[8] Many surgeons avoid operating cases with I/R injury related intimal damage, due to disastrous complications. In the present study, we used ULMWHs to reduce the activation of complements and I/R injury-related coagulopathy. We found that, in the bemiparin group, the intimal hyperplasia (p<0.006) and thickness of the tunica media (arrows) decreased (p<0.018), compared to the control group (Figure 1a, b). Besides, the mean luminal diameters and luminal areas of the experimental groups (arrows) were all evaluated by histomorphometry. However, no significant difference was found between them (p<0.100, p<0.068), respectively (Figure 2a, b). Scoring the quantity of e-NOS and a-SMA-positive staining revealed a non-significant difference between the experimental groups (based on the Kruskal-Wallis test, p<0.05). According to these findings, we believe that bemiparin has prominent protection against neointimal hyperplasia and I/R injury, and is also protective against oxidative stress.
In addition, Pérez-Ruiz et al.[16] compared the effects of bemiparin and an UFH on plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), tissue-plasminogen activator (t-PA), tissue factor (TF), tissue factor pathway inhibitor release, and PAI-1 gene expression by human umbilical vein endothelial cells. They reported that bemiparin, in contrast with UFH, did not induce an increase in the TF, indicating that bemiparin may be an additional favorable feature.
Study limitations
The major limitation of this study was the lack
of molecular data. However, in the future, we plan
to perform a study on a higher budget by attaching
immunohistochemistry data and oxidative stress
In conclusion, according to the findings of our study, anti-thrombotic treatment with bemiparin can prevent the development of harmful effects in the vessels. Cardiovascular diseases have complex ultra-structural and multi-functional changes in the vasculature. Intimal hyperplasia, restenosis, and endothelial proliferation processes precedes and elicits vascular damage. Although several animal models have been developed to reveal the mechanisms involved in anti-thrombotic and protective effect of bemiparin, further human studies are needed to assess the prophylactic profile of bemiparin and all ultra low-molecular-weight heparins in patients undergoing peripheral artery and coronary artery disease. Based on our study results, we concluded that bemiparin has superior pharmacological profile compared to other second-generation low-molecularweight heparins. We consider that it has prophylactic and/or therapeutic effects against reperfusion injury by reducing the oxidative stress.
Declaration of conflicting interests
The authors declared no conflicts of interest with respect to
the authorship and/or publication of this article.
The authors received no financial support for the research
and/or authorship of this article.
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