Figure 2. Thoracoscopic view of the mass.
M: Mass; P: Pericardium.
Thymic HL was formerly considered a variant of thymoma. Thymic HL is more common in men in their 20s to 30s, while systemic HL is more common in both 20s to 30s and after 50s in women. Patients are usually asymptomatic, until extrathymic involvement is seen. Thymic involvement of Hodgkin disease often causes cystic changes, and the incidence of these cystic changes increases after radiotherapy.[7] The presence of Reed-Sternberg cells in the cyst wall and immunohistochemical studies are required for the diagnosis of HL.[4] The mechanism of thymic cyst formation in Hodgkin disease has not been fully understood, yet. Nevertheless, there are opinions that it may be secondary to therapeutic effect or tumor infiltration.[8-10] In particular, in the presence of accompanying lymph nodes, the diagnosis of lymphoma should be kept in mind. Lymph node sampling is useful for a definitive diagnosis. Mediastinoscopy may be better than EBUS-FNA for a through lymphoma diagnosis and, also, it should be in our case. Most lymphomas involving the thymus are NSHL.[11] Systemic symptoms are rarely seen at the time of diagnosis. Our case was similarly a NSHL and had no systemic symptoms.
Hodgkin lymphoma and MTC association is a rare condition. In the literature, there are five publications reporting seven patients.[12-14] Three of seven (42.8%) patients, including this case, were female and the average age was 27.1 years. Only one patient had T cell lymphoma; all the others had NSHL (Table 1). The fact that MTC is seen particularly with the NSHL subtype suggests that the inflammation caused by the tumor rather than the tumor itself plays a more critical role in the development of MTC.
Table 1. Publications presenting Hodgkin lymphoma with associated multiloculated thymic cyst
Although cranial nerve involvement can be seen in lymphomas, this is rare in HL. In our case, although the cause of facial nerve involvement could not be determined radiologically, the recovery and nonrecurrence of facial paralysis after lymphoma treatment suggests that there may be a relationship between lymphoma and facial paralysis as paraneoplastic neuropathies are seen in association with 4 to 5% of cancers.[15]
Pericardial cysts are also rare masses. It constitutes 4 to 7% of all mediastinal masses. They are usually asymptomatic and are detected incidentally. In the literature, there is no case with pericardial cyst and MTC coexistence.[16]
In conclusion, complete resection should be performed in all cases with suspected multiloculated thymic cysts. It is difficult to make a definitive diagnosis with incisional biopsies or to detect accompanying tumors. If there are enlarged lymph nodes, coexisting Hodgkin lymphoma should be suspected and they should be sampled using appropriate methods.
Acknowledgment: The illustrative materials were prepared by the digital pathology system set up by an infrastructural project (Project number: 14A0230003) of Ankara University.
Patient Consent for Publication: A written informed consent was obtained from patient.
Data Sharing Statement: The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
Author Contributions: All the writing process: G.K.; Pathological assesment and review: H.Ö.; Pathological assesment and pathological image arrangement: S.Y.; Radiological assesment and radiological image arrangement: A.G.Ç.; Surgical assesment and detailed patient information collection: M.B.Y.; Haematological assesment: M.K.Y.; General consideration and approval of the whole paper: S.E.
Conflict of Interest: The authors declared no conflicts of interest with respect to the authorship and/or publication of this article.
Funding: The authors received no financial support for the research and/or authorship of this article.
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