ISSN : 1301-5680
e-ISSN : 2149-8156
Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery     

New Ideas

Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery accepts “New Ideas” articles that describe an original patented project, new device design, a novel surgical approach, or other original concepts related to Cardiac, Thoracic, Arterial, Venous, Lymphatic Disorders.

Articles must be submitted electronically to the manuscript submission system.

The prerequisites for a “New Ideas” article are detailed below.


  • Submit manuscripts prepared in Microsoft Word, preferably typed in 11 point Arial or Times New Roman.
  • Arrange manuscript in the following sections: (1) title page, (2) abstract, (3) main text, (4) acknowledgments (if available), (5) disclosures (if required), (6) references, (7) tables and figures (if available) (8) legends. Number all pages consecutively.
  • The title page containing the author and institution information should be uploaded to the system as a separate file.
  • The main body of the manuscript including sections 2 – 8 should be uploaded as another separate file and should not include author or institution names.
  • Tables and legends (for figures and videos) should be placed on separate pages after the main text. Please use SI units throughout.

Title page

  • The manuscript title is confined to 80 letters. Avoid abbreviations in the title. Submit a short title of 40 characters to be used as the running head.
  • Include only the full names of the authors directly affiliated with the work. The maximum number of authors is eight for New Ideas. Exceeding numbers will have to be justified to the Editor. Include the name and location institutions involved in the work. If more than one department or institution is given, denote the affiliation of each author.
  • If the paper was presented at a congress or a scientific meeting, provide the name, date, and location of the meeting.
  • At the bottom of the page, type the name, postal address (with zip code), telephone number, fax number and e-mail address of the corresponding author, to whom communications, proofs, and requests for reprints should be sent.
  • The title page must be uploaded to the system as a separate file.


  • Provide an unstructured abstract of no longer than 150 words. Add three to five related keywords from the MeSH index.
  • Avoid abbreviations in the abstract.


  • Please complete all the sections and aim for 2000 words without figures or tables. The Editors-in-Chief reserve the right to edit the manuscript in order to fit the Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery print pages.
  • The text should be organized in the following sections:
    • Introduction: Provide the groundwork of the new idea in light of the current developments and literature in the subject matter.
    • Method: Explain the method or proposed method of the new idea. If the idea was implemented, provide information on the study design. Statistical methods and an ethics approval statement where appropriate should be included here.
    • Results: Present findings or clinical results associated with the new idea.
    • Discussion: Elaborate on what the idea provides with its possible advantages and disadvantages. Supply the authors’ arguments for backing their idea.
    • Conclusion: Provide a brief summary and recommendations.
  • Subtitles can be included accordingly to better convey the idea and its implementation
  • References, illustrations, and tables should be numbered in the order in which they appear in the text.
  • Define abbreviations at first appearance, and avoid their use in the title and abstract.
  • Type footnotes at the bottom of the page on which they are cited. Credit suppliers of drugs, equipment and other brand-name material mentioned in the article in parentheses in the text, giving company name and location.
  • Type acknowledgments, including grant and subsidy information or technical assistance at the end of the text before the references.

Please refer to the Information For Authors page for directions on References, Tables, Legends, Illustrations, and other information.

For further inquiries, the editorial office can be contacted at