Methods: In this methodological study, 227 volunteer patients (119 males, 108 females; mean age 55.8±15.2 years; range 20 to 86 years) using oral anticoagulants were recruited. Duke Anticoagulation Satisfaction Scale, which consists of 25 items and was developed in a three factors structure (limitations, hassles and burdens, and positive impacts), had high internal consistency (a=0.88) and high test-retest reliability (r=0.80) in the original study. Content validity index, Cronbach alpha, test-retest reliability, item total score correlation, and principal and confirmatory factor analysis were used to evaluate the data. The scale is answered in seven-Likert type, and high scores indicate worse patient satisfaction.
Results: Scale mean score was 85.0±25.1 (range, 36-161 points). Scale content validity index was 0.99, and Cronbach alpha coefficient was 0.91. Total score correlations were between 0.21 and 0.79 (p<0.001 and p<0.01). Test-retest reliability was very high (r=0.98, p<0.001). Confirmatory factor analysis of the scale demonstrated an acceptable level of compliance root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA: 0.103, X2= 922.29 df: 272 p=0.000).
Conclusion: Turkish version of the scale was demonstrated to be valid in terms of internal consistency reliability, content validity, and construct validity. The scale is an objective tool which may be used by health professionals to assess the problems and care requirements of patients using anticoagulants.