e-ISSN : 2149-8156
Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery     
SubjectsPage numbers
Cardiac surgery, patient blood management, transfusion, bleeding 429
Mitral regurgitation, mitral stenosis, mitral valve annuloplasty 459
Congenital heart surgery, infant, pulmonary vein stenosis, total anomalous pulmonary venous connection 471
Minimal invasive surgery, mitral valve surgery, robotic surgery 478
Coronary artery bypass grafting, oxidative stress, thioldisulfide homeostasis 484
Acute deep vein thrombosis, complete blood count parameters, platelet count, platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio 493
Complication, percutaneous, port catheter, subclavian vein, totally implantable venous access device 499
Arteriovenous fistula, basilic vein, forearm, patency 508
Animal experiment, clopidogrel, ischemia, reperfusion injury, rivaroxaban 513
Primary bronchial closure, robot-assisted thoracoscopic surgery, sleeve anastomosis 521
Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, vertebral body tethering, videothoracoscopy 526
Acute lung injury, acute respiratory distress syndrome, oleanolic acid, peroxynitrite 532
Acute respiratory distress syndrome, risk, thoracic, trauma 540
Awake, local anesthesia, plevral effusion, thoracoscopy, video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery 550
F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography-computed tomography, metabolic index, solitary pulmonary nodule, standardized uptake value 557
Aneurysm, Behçet 565
Graft, Heartmate III, left ventricular-assisted device, outflow, twisting 568
Bicuspid aortic valve, doty repair, supravalvular aortic stenosis 572
Acute aortic thrombosis, aortobifemoral bypass, axillobifemoral bypass, endovascular aneurysm repair 576
Arteriovenous fistula 580
cardiac vein 580
coronary artery bypass grafting 580
vascular closure device 580
Inferior, rivaroxaban, thrombophilia, vascular malformation, vein thrombosis, vena cava 583
Chest wall, intraosseous lipoma, rib 590
Laparotomy, lung, metastasis 593
Chest wall deformity, chondroplasty, sternal cleft 597