e-ISSN : 2149-8156
Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery     
SubjectsPage numbers
Centrifugal pump 1
extracorporeal membrane oxygenation 1
roller pump 1
ventricular assist device 1
Absent right superior vena cava 7
congenital heart disease 7
infant of diabetic mother 7
persistent left superior vena cava 7
Trisomy 9p syndrome 7
Aortic aneurysm 13
dissecting aneurysm 13
follow-up studies 13
morbidity 13
mortality 13, 118
Mitral regurgitation 19
mitral stenosis 19
mitral valve repair 19, 43
mitral valve 19
Effusion 29
subxiphoid 29
tamponade 29, 35
thoracotomy 29, 129
Echocardiography 35
sensitivity 35
specifity 35
MitraClip 43
mitral regurgitation 43
Annulus 50
aortic valve 50
endocarditis 50
Epidemiology 56
infective endocarditis 56
surgical treatment 56
Acute renal failure 63, 182
elective coronary artery bypass grafting 63
neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin 63
serum creatinine 63
Arteriovenous fistula aneurysm/revision 71
plication 71
Aneurysm 76, 171, 180
arteriovenous fistula 76
hepatitis C virus 76
Complication 83
gynecologic surgery 83
iatrogenic disease 83
intraoperative 83
vascular surgery 83
Cardiopulmonary exercise test 88
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 88
incremental shuttle walking test 88
maximal oxygen uptake 88
Exposed 95
local flap 95
pacemaker 95
Pediatric 99
pulmonary sublobar resection 99
segmentectomy 99
wedge resection 99
Hydatid cysts 104
splenectomy 104
thoracic approach 104
Heimlich valve 112
pleural space 112
prolonged air leak 112
Diaphragmatic 118
rupture 118
trauma 118
Chest wall tumor 126
elastofibroma dorsi 126
soft tissue tumor 126
Analgesia 129
chronic pain 129
epidural 129
pain 129
postoperative 129
pregabalin 129
Cilostazol 138
iloprost 138
ischemia-reperfusion injury 138
lung injury 138
pentoxifylline 138
Donor-transmitted infection 145
heart transplantation 145
mediastinitis 145
sepsis 145
Chest pain 149
coronary ischemia 149
pulmonary artery aneurysm 149
Aortic stenosis 152
aortic valve replasement 152
bioprosthesis 152
liver transplantation 152
Intrapericardial 157
pericardiocentesis 157
prenatal 157
preterm infant 157
teratoma 157
Minimal invasive 160
paravalvular leak 160
transapical 160
Airway obstruction 163
anesthesia 163
cardiopulmonary bypass 163
extracorporeal circulation 163
tracheal stenosis 163
Coronary artery disease 168
coronary bypass artery grafting 168
familial hypercholesterolemia 168
surgery 168, 171, 192
childhood 171
left atrial appendage 171
Cardiac 174
child 174
hydatid cyst 174
liver 174
Abnormal origin of the right coronary artery 177
coronary anomaly 177
coronary artery bypass greft surgery 177
Behçet’ 180
s disease 180
visceral artery 180
agenesis of inferior vena cava 182
deep vein thrombosis 182
magnetic resonance imaging 182
Carinal resection 187
carinal tumor 187
lung cancer 187
Anterior mediastinum 192
ectopic pancreas 192
Angiolipoma 196
chest wall resection 196
intrathoracic extrapulmonary chest wall tumors 196
lipoma 196
Costal xanthoma 199
hyperlipidemia 199
xanthoma 199
Hydatid cyst 202
intraarterial 202
pulmoner 202
Cricopharyngeal 207
dysphagia 207
endoscopic surgery 207
esophagus 207
Zenker's diverticulum 207
Coronary artery bypass graft surgery 211
bypass graft 211
ischemic heart 211