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A case of pneumothorax developing after subclavian catheterisation
A case of pneumothorax developing after subclavian catheterisation
Berrin Işık1, Cengiz Bekir Demirel1, Zerrin Özköse1, Sedat Demircan2, Can Kürkçüoğlu2, Mahmut Tokur2
1Gazi Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Anesteziyoloji ve Reanimasyon Anabilim Dalı, Ankara
2Gazi Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Göğüs Cerrahisi Anabilim Dalı, Ankara
Central venous catheterization (CVC) is essential for prior to all major surgeries but it may cause some serious complications, especially pneumothorax. Iatrogenic pneumothorax may not show signs in the early period and thus cause a delay in the diagnosis. This case report describes a 71-year-old man with metastatic thorax tumor to whom preoperative left subclavian vein catheterization was performed prior to the operation under general anaesthesia. The catheter was placed to a different position in the second attempt due to air in the first venipuncture. Auscultation revealed that the left hemithorax was not aerated. Invasive arterial blood presure was decreased to 55/38 mm Hg and SpO2 to 65% indicating the worsening of the haemodynamics. Surgery was started immediately considering that the placement of the subclavian vein catheter might have caused tension pneomothorax. The left lung was completely collapsed and free air was exposed with pressure. Haemodynamic parameters normalised rapidly after the air was liberated from the thorax. The patient had no complications and was discharged on the seventh postoperative day.
Keywords : Catheterization, central venous/adverse effects; iatrogenic disease; pneumothorax/etiology
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