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An unexpected late complication after harvesting of the radial artery: a case report
An unexpected late complication after harvesting of the radial artery: a case report
Vedat Nisanoğlu, Nevzat Erdil, Mustafa Aldemir, Hasan Berat Cihan, Bektaş Battaloğlu
İnönü Üniversitesi Turgut Özal Tıp Merkezi, Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi Anabilim Dalı, Malatya
Radial artery is now used widely as a graft for coronary
artery bypass grafting due to better long-term patency
rates compared to vein grafts. Arm complications after
radial artery procurement are very low. Most of these
complications are minor and occur early, their diagnosis
and treatment is not difficult. A 66-year-old patient
underwent coronary artery bypass surgery for triple vessel
disease using bilateral radial arteries. Two months
after discharge, he presented with painless swelling in
both arms proximal to radial artery incisions. The masses
in both arms were opened with local anesthesia, hematoma
was removed, but no active bleeding was detected.
Drains were placed in both lodges and both arms were
Keywords : Coronary artery bypass; postoperative complications; radial artery
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