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Hybrid and staged repair in the treatment of a case with extensive aortic aneurysm
Hybrid and staged repair in the treatment of a case with extensive aortic aneurysm
Hikmet İyem1, Yılmaz Cirban1, Ahmet Memiş2, Suat Büket1
1Özel Kent Hastanesi, Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi Bölümü, İzmir
2Özel Kent Hastanesi, Girişimsel Radyoloji Bölümü, İzmir
In this article we present a successful management of a case
with extensive aortic aneurysm which was treated by a combination
of open surgery and endovascular stent grafting.
Cardiopulmonary bypass was established via right femoral
and right atrial cannulation. Patient was cooled down till 18
degrees and following the cardiac arrest, Bentall procedure
was performed by using a composite graft. A 26 mm Talent
endovascular stent was placed into the descending aorta
through arcus aorta under direct vision. Later on, distal anastomosis
was performed for the total hemiarcus replacement.
The distal part of the composit graft and the proximal part of
the hemiarcus graft was anastomosed during rewarming. After
one week, a second endovascular stent graft was placed into
the descending aorta under general anesthesia in peripheric
angiography laboratory and the treatment was completed.
Keywords : Aortic aneurysm, abdominal; aortic aneurysm/surgery; cardiopulmonary; hemiarcus replacement; hybrid
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