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Endovascular stent-grafting for a giant proximal descending aortic pseudoaneurysm in the octogenarian: a case report
Endovascular stent-grafting for a giant proximal descending aortic pseudoaneurysm in the octogenarian: a case report
Ufuk Alpagut, Onur Göksel, Ömer Sayın, Emin Tireli, Enver Dayıoğlu
İstanbul Üniversitesi İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi, Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi Anabilim Dalı, İstanbul
Diseases of the thoracic aorta, especially aortic arch
pseudoaneurysms pose a significant risk for the patient
in the absence of an intervention. The fact that patients
frequently have some other accompanying pathologies
increases the risks of this intervention. Significant
morbidity and mortality develops following conventional
surgical repair of aneurysms of aortic arch. In this
article, we report endoluminal stent-graft placement in a
dialysis-dependent 85-year-old man with a giant pseudoaneurysm
of proximal descending aorta and chronic
pulmonary disease.
Keywords : Aorta; endovascular stent-grafting; pseudoaneurysm
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