ISSN : 1301-5680
e-ISSN : 2149-8156
Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery     
Isolated unilateral absence of pulmonary artery: a case report
Oğuzhan Okutan, Harun Ugan, Hatice Kaya, Dilaver Taş, Ersin Demirer, Murat Apaydın, Tayfun Çalışkan
GATA Haydarpaşa Eğitim Hastanesi, Göğüs Hastalıkları Kliniği, İstanbul
Isolated unilateral absence of pulmonary artery is seen rarely. This anomaly arises from the absence of development of ipsilateral sixth aortic arch. Since this disease can remain asymptomatic for a long period, the diagnosis may be delayed. Hyperlucent hemitorax is seen in postero-anterior chest radigraph of patients with this anomaly. Unilateral absence of pulmonary artery can be confused with other diseases (such as Swyer-James-MacLeod syndrome, interstitial lung disease). In this article, a 21-year-old male patient with the absence of right pulmonary artery. He was presented with fatigue, loss of appetite, dyspnea and hemoptysis which had started one month before. The case was diagnosed to have left pulmonary artery only (i.e., absence of right pulmonary artery) by magnetic resonance angiography.
Keywords : Angiography; congenital anomaly; isolated; pulmonary artery agenesis
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