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The control of a reconstructed pulmonary valve with a pericardial patch using multislice computed tomography
The control of a reconstructed pulmonary valve with a pericardial patch using multislice computed tomography
Caner Arslan1, Bekir Kayhan1, Emir Cantürk1, Cengiz Erol2
1Departments of Cardiovascular Surgery, TDV 29 Mayıs Hospital, İstanbul
2Departments of Radiology, TDV 29 Mayıs Hospital, İstanbul
Left parasternal systolic ejection murmur was detected
in the physical examination of a 24-year-old woman
with dyspnea. Transthoracic echocardiography and cineangiography
revealed infundibular, valvular pulmonary
stenosis and a small subaortic ventricular septal defect.
Infundibular resection, transannular pericardial patch
replacement and pulmonary valve reconstruction with
pericardium were performed. New pulmonary valve was
evaluated with multislice computed tomography.
Keywords : Cardiac valve; computed tomography; pulmonary regurgitation
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