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Major dehiscence of a mechanical prosthetic aortic valve due to massive infective endocarditis: a case report
Major dehiscence of a mechanical prosthetic aortic valve due to massive infective endocarditis: a case report
Kerem Yay, Sertan Özyalçın, Adem İlkay Diken, Tulga Ulus, Kerem Vural
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Türkiye Yüksek İhtisas Training and Research Hospital, Ankara
Extensive dehiscence of mechanical prosthetic aortic valve
caused by infective endocarditis has a very morbid and
mortal course. Postoperative mortality is around 20-30%
and several hazardous complications such as hemorrhage,
cerebral emboli and sepsis may be observed during postoperative
period. Urgent surgical and medical treatments
must be in collaboration to get a better result. A forty-seven-
year-old female patient who had a major dehiscence of a
mechanical prosthetic aortic valve due to massive infective
endocarditis was operated under emergency conditions due
to hemodynamic instability and deterioration.
Keywords : Dehiscence; infective endocarditis; prosthetic aortic valve
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