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The use of a self-expanding ring to facilitate distal anastomosis in total arch replacement
Shigehiko Tokunaga1, Yoshiaki Tanaka2, Tomoki Cho1, Ryo Izubuchi1, Munetaka Masuda3
1Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Kanagawa Cardiovascular and Respiratory Center, Yokohama, Japan
2Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Japan Self-Defense Forces Central Hospital, Tokyo, Japan
3Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Yokohama City University Hospital, Yokohama, Japan
DOI : 10.5606/tgkdc.dergisi.2015.10684
Providing exposure for distal anastomosis is sometimes
challenging in total arch replacement via median sternotomy.
A new self-expanding ring, which is contracted in diameter
by catching two holes in the ring with a long curved-clamp,
may provide better exposure, and facilitate the procedure.
This contraction creates the tension needed for the ring to
expand once delivered to the distal anastomosis when the
clamp is removed. This ring can be placed easily, even in
a deep surgical field, and can maintain free space around
distal aortic stump.
Keywords : Distal anastomosis; self-expanding ring; total arch replacement
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