ISSN : 1301-5680
e-ISSN : 2149-8156
Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery     
One Stage Surgical Repair of Aortc Coarctation Existing with Ascending Aortic Aneurysm and Aortic Insufficiency
Tayyar SARIOĞLU, Atıf AKÇEVİN, Bülent POLAT, Barbaros KINOĞLU, Mehmet Salih BİLAL, Servet ÖZTÜRK, Aydın AYTAÇ
İ.Ü. Kardiyoloji Enstitüsü, Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi Anabilim Dalı
In Institute of Cardiology,.University of İstanbul, two patients who have ascending aortic aneurysm and severe aortic insufficiency associated with aortic coarctation were operated on suc cessfully with one-stage aproach. Patients (21 years old male and 22 years old female) have had nearly same pathology, that is, severe aortic insufficiency with aneurysm of the ascending aorta and aortic coarrtation (gradients in coractation site were 55 and 75 mmHg, respertively). First step of the one-stage approach in both patients was correction of aortic coarctation with posterolateral thoracotomy. Tlıis step was succeeded with bypass of aortic coarctation with a graft. After corree- tion of aortic coarctation, thoracotomy was closed, patients were repositioned and median ster- notomy was performed in the same stage.Cardiopulmonary bypass with moderate hypotlıermia was started with the caıınulation of the aorta and rihgt atrium. Composite graft was implanted after opening of the aneurysm and resection of aortic valves, and coronary ostia anastomozedto the holles created on the appropriate site of the graft (Bentall operation). Both patients have had uneventful postoperative course and were discharged on the tenth days of the operation with anti- coagulant regimen. Tlıeir follow-up ranged from 16 months to 2 years have showed no consider- able problem. This ııneventful follow-up (Both patients were in class l (NHYA) effort capacity)f were confırmed postoperative angiocardiographic studies.
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