e-ISSN : 2149-8156
Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery     
Our Nuss procedure experiences in young adult patients with pectus excavatum
Akın Yıldızhan, Fatih Hikmet Candaş, Ömer Yavuz, Rauf Görür, Turgut Işıtmangil
Gülhane Askeri Tıp Akademisi Haydarpaşa Eğitim Hastanesi Göğüs Cerrahi Kliniği, İstanbul, Türkiye
DOI : 10.5606/tgkdc.dergisi.2015.10497
Background: This study aims to evaluate the Nuss procedure results in patients with pectus excavatum in young adult age range.

Methods: Twenty-three male patients (mean age 21.7 years; range 21 to 26 years) operated with Nuss procedure at our clinic between March 2010 and December 2013 were evaluated retrospectively. Patients’ clinical data, features of the operation, and complications were recorded. A single stage questionnaire was applied to patients at a mean of 28.7 months (range 3-45 months) after the operation. Overall satisfaction status of patients after the Nuss procedure was evaluated.

Results: While the negative effect of chest shape to social activity was 95.7% preoperatively, this value decreased to 30% postoperatively. It was detected that 66.6% of patients suffered from moderate or severe pain during hospital stay, 83.3% had mild pain during discharge, and pain disappeared in 77.7% at the end of the postoperative third month. While the mean self confidence value was 5.2 (1-10) preoperatively, this value increased to 7.4 (3-10) postoperatively (Wilcoxon signed-rank test, p<0.05). Of the patients, 88.8% expressed that they were satisfied or highly satisfied with the result. Complications were observed in 14 patients (77.7%). Bar shift was detected in five patients (27.7%), pneumothorax in eight patients (44.4%) (only two of them required tube thoracostomy), pleural effusion in one patient (4.3%), persistent pain in one patient (4.3%), and wound site problem in one patient (4.3%).

Conclusion: Considering the satisfaction and complication rate, we think that the Nuss procedure can be safely used in young adult patients and should be the preferred method. Studies with larger sample size and long-term follow-up may provide additional clarification to this issue.

Keywords : Nuss procedure; pectus excavatum; young adult
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