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Cardiac metastasectomy with cardiopulmonary bypass in a case of mediastinal osteosarcoma metastasis with left atrial invasion
Ulaş Kumbasar1, Serkan Uysal2, Tuba Şahinoğlu3, Rıza Doğan1
1Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Medical Faculty of Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
2Department of Thoracic Surgery, Bolu İzzet Baysal State Hospital, Bolu, Turkey
3Department of Thoracic Surgery, Sivas Numune Hospital, Sivas, Turkey
DOI : 10.5606/tgkdc.dergisi.2017.13285
The most common organ to which osteosarcomas metastasize is
the lungs. Extrapulmonary osteosarcoma metastases are being
observed in increasingly more patients, particularly after pulmonary
metastases, and becoming less sensitive to chemotherapy with shorter
survival. Surgical resection is advocated for prolonging survival and
improving quality of life when the primary tumor is under control.
In this article, we present a case of mediastinal osteosarcoma
metastasis with left atrium invasion in a 25-year-old female patient.
During her seven-year oncologic follow-up, patient was performed
two right, two left thoracotomies for pulmonary metastasectomies
and one right Dartevelle incision for metastasis located in the right
upper lobe extending through the clavicle and the first rib. She was
also performed a median sternotomy for resection of a mediastinal
metastasis adjacent to both atria. Patient received radiotherapy and
several courses of adjuvant chemotherapy throughout her therapy.
On patients final computed tomography scan, mediastinal tumor
recurrence was detected which was invading the left atrium.
Considering that surgical resection would be the most appropriate
therapeutic approach to prolong survival, patient was performed
metastasectomy under cardiopulmonary bypass support and cardiac
arrest with partial left atrial resection and bovine pericardial patch.
Keywords : Cardiopulmonary bypass; metastasectomy; osteosarcoma
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