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Penetrating Cardiac Injuries
Penetrating Cardiac Injuries
Hasan Berat CİHAN, Erdal EGE, Öner GÜLCAN, Rıza TÜRKÖZ, *Oğuzhan YAŞAROĞLU
İnönü Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Göğüs Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi Ana Bilim Dalı,
*Malatya Devlet Hastanesi, Göğüs Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi Bölümü
Late intervention is usually the cause of death in
penetrating cardiac wounds. Treatment of heart
wounds includes resuscitaiton, early surgical
approach and repair of other system lesions. 23 cases
with penetrating heart wound that undenvent
surgery in last ten years in Malatya were reviewed
retrospectively. Ali the patients were male and mean
age was 26.3 years (range 14-50). The most frequent
side of injury was right ventricule with 14 cases
(%60.8) where left ventricule (6-%30.4) and right
atrium (2-%8.8) came aftenvards. Surgery was
applied in emergent conditions far ali cases. Primary
repair had been the preferred technique. Hospitai
mortality was 8.7% with 2 patients (öne cardiogenic
shock and öne brain death). 21 cases were symptom
free at their fallow up. Consequently, early and
effective resuscitation and emergent surgical
approach are the most important factors of survival
in penetrating cardiac wounds.
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