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The Assessment of Internal Mammary Artery Grafts by Coloured Doppler Sonography in Coronary Artery Surgery
The Assessment of Internal Mammary Artery Grafts by Coloured Doppler Sonography in Coronary Artery Surgery
Mutasım SÜNGÜN, Melih H. US, Bekir S. CEBECİ, Davit SABA, Semih AYTAÇLAR, Ali KOCAİLİK, Enver DURAN
GATA Haydarpaşa Eğitim Hastanesi, Kalp Damar Cerrahi Kliniği
Studies are continuing about the assessment of suitability of IMA according to flow and diameter by coloured Doppler Sonography preoperatively in coronary artery surgery. In the year of 1995, GATA Haydarpaşa Education Hospital coronary artery bypass grafting was done by anastomosing left IMA sioned coronary arteries in 36 male patients between the ages 42-66 (mean 54±8). Left IMA and unused right IMA was imaged by coloured Doppler sonography 6-8 weeks after the operations in all the cases. Coronary arteriography was also performed to two of the cases 4 months after the operation. The coloured Doppler sonography findings showed that the diameter of left IMA was bigger (p=0.03) and mean flow value was greater than the unused right IMA (p=0.02). As the result ve conclude that coloured Doppler sonography should be prefered as a noninvasive method in the follow up of IMA grafts after coronary artery surgery.
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