e-ISSN : 2149-8156
Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery     
Upper Extremity Vascular Injuries (The Evaluation of 98 Cases)
Atatürk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi Anabilim Dalı, ERZURUM
The upper limb vascular injuries can cause serious functional disorders and loss of limbs.

In our department, we have operated 98 cases with upper extremity vascular injuries between March 1990 - February 1998. Eighty-two of them were male and 16 were female. The average age was 28 (1.5-70). Ethyologically, 69 (71%), 20 (20%), 9 (9%) of the injuries were the result of penetrating injuries, gunshut wounds and blunt injuries, respectively. Localisation of the injuries were most frequently radial and ulnar arteries with 52 (53%) cases. This is followed by brachial artery in 37 (38%) cases, axillary artery in 5 (5%) cases and subclavian artery in 4 (4%) cases. The average duration of the arrivals of these cases is 6 hours (ranging from 3 to 96 hours).

The most common surgical measures were end-to end anastomosis (44%), venous autograft replacement (36%), primary lateral repair (9%), synthetic graft replecement (4%) and ligation (7%). Fasciotomy was performed in 7 cases and debridement were performed in 3 cases.

Amputation were performed in 3 cases. No operative mortality had occured.

Since wounds related to atherend organs are more frequently observed in subclavian and axillary vascular injuries, rate of functional losses and amputations is higher compared to the rate in distal injuries. Early intervention is very important.

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