e-ISSN : 2149-8156
Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery     
Postoperative Haemorrage Which Causes Rethoracotomy: Etiology, Treatment and Prognosis
Adnan SAYAR, Muzaffer METİN, Aysun ÖLÇMEN, Adalet DEMİR, Orhan TAŞÇI, Atilla GÜRSES, Müfid ÖLÇMEN
Yedikule Göğüs Cerrahi Merkezi, İSTANBUL
One of the most frequent complication after thoracic surgical procedures is postoperative bleeding. In this study we retrospectively evaluated patients that underwent rethoracotomy for postoperative bleeding.

In our centre 27 (1,7%) out of 1580 patients operated between 1986-1997 underwent rethoracotomy because of postoperative bleeding. 3 were female and 24 male with a mean age of 42 (13-65). in 6 patients left, in 20 right thoracotomy and in one patient median sternotomy had been performed.

The main reason for rethoracotomy was oozing from the chest wall in 10 patients (33%). We detected mortality in 6 patients (22,2%) and one of them was perioperative mortality. Our morbidity rate was 26% (7/27).

The high rate of mortality and morbidity seen after rethoracotomies due to bleeding increases the importance of appropriate surgical technique and experience in thoracic surgical procedures.

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