e-ISSN : 2149-8156
Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery     
The Results of Surgical Therapy and Follow-up in The Acute Arteriel Occlusion
SSK Ankara Hastanesi Kalp-Damar Cerrahisi Kliniği, Ankara
149 patients have been operated between the date of March 1985 - June 1994 because of acute arterial occlusion. 94 (63%) patients were male and 55 (37%) patients were female. The age range of patients was 3-102 with an average of 57.5. Follow-up period was from 2 mounths to 9 years (mean follow-up period 36 mounths). Atheresclerosis was the primary ethiologic factor in 111 (74.5%) patients, thrombosis after angioplastic or angiografic intervention in 9 (6%) patients, atrial fibrilation in 9 (6%) patients, rheumatic mitral valve disease with atrial fibrilation in 5 (3.4%) patients, operated rheumatic mitral valve disease in 4 (2.7%) patients acut myocardial infarction in 2 (1.3%) patients, acute infective endocarditis in 2 (1.3%) patients, Behçet's disease in 2 (1.3%) patient, diabetes mellitus in 2 (1.3%) patients, use of intraaortic ballon pump in 1 (0.7%) patients, bone aspiration biopsy in 1 (0.7%) patient, fracture of collum femoris in 1 (0.7%) patient.

111 (68.1%) lesions were localized to femoral artery, 24 (14.7%) lesion to brachiel artery 15 (9.2%) lesion to popliteal arter, 10 (6.1%) lesion to iliac arter, 1 (0.6%) lesion to abdominal aorta, 1 (0.6%) lesion to subclavian arter, 1 (0.6%) lesion to tibial arter.

Endarterectomy was performed to 3 patients, saphenous vein patch angioplasty to 2 patients, dacron graft patch angioplasty to 1 patient, femoro-popliteal saphenous vein bypass to 2 patients, femoro-popliteal dacron graft bypass to 1 patient as an adjunctive therapy.

The recurrence rate of thromboemboli in tlıe patients over 70 years old were found to be 17%. Overknee amputation was performed to 9 (6.0%) patients and below-knee amputation to 2 (1.4%) patients.

The perioperative mortality was found to be 29% in the patients over 70 years, 4 % in the patients below 70 years old. Total perioperative mortality were found to be 6.7%. Reasons of mortaliry was cerebrovascular accident in 4 (2.68%) patients, heart failure in 2 (1.34%) patients, acute hepatorenal failure in 1 (0.67%) patients, acute mezenteric ischemia in 1 (0.67%) patient.

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