e-ISSN : 2149-8156
Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery     
Akciğer Rezeksiyonlarında İntraperikardiyal Yaklaşım (27 olgu)
Aysun ÖLÇMEN, Cemal A. KUTLU, S. İbrahim DİNÇER, Yıldıray BEKAR, Müfid ÖLÇMEN
Yedikule Göğüs Hastalıkları ve Göğüs Cerrahi Merkezi 2. Cerrahi Kliniği
In lung resections, the standart techniques is to dissect the pulmonary arteries, the veins and the bronchi at the hilum. It may not be possible to apply this classic technique in centrally localized tumors, some infections and in retoracotomies. In such circumstances it is wise to open the pericardium both to evaluate the resectability and to be able to do the operation. Between December 1988 and October 1995 at Yedikule Thoracic Surgery Center 1. and 2. Clinics 27 such intrapericardial operations have been done. These are documented; 24 pneumonectomies, 1 bilobectomy inferior, and 2 upper lobectomies. 26 operations were due to bronchogenic carcinoma of lung and 1 operation was due to tuberculous-aspergilloma. There were no operative complications and death related to intrapericardial approach.
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