e-ISSN : 2149-8156
Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery     
Short-term Follow up Results of 155 Consecutie Coronary Bypass Graft Cases in İzmir Atatürk , State Hospital Cardiovascular Department
Rahmi ZEYBEK, B. Hayrettin ŞİRİN, Öcal BERKAN, Oya BATTALI, Mansur ŞAĞBAN, *Nagehan KARAHAN
İzmir Atatürk Devlet Hastanesi, Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi Kliniği
*İzmir Atatürk Devlet Hastanesi, Anesteziyoloji ve Reanimasyon Kliniği
Preoperative and early postoperative clinical findings and the operation technique was evaluated and 14 months (4-18 months) follow-up results presented in the 155 coronary artery bypass cases operated consecutivcly in Cardiovascular Clinic of İzmir Atatürk State Hospital between 1991 and 1994.

Average age was 61.3 (35-76) in 130 male and 25 female patients and ejection fraction (EF) was 38.6%±10.3. BYpass procedure was performed to left anterior descending artery (LAD) in 96%, right coonary artery (RC) in 71% and circumflex artery (Cx) system in 76% cases and the average bypass number per patient was 2.98±1. Endarterectomy procedure was performed in 30 patients (19.4%), RC in 14 cases, LAD in 8 cases, RC+LAD in 5 cases, RC+LAD+Cx in 2 cases and LAD+Cx in l case. Aneurismectomy procedures performed for apical aneurysm in 17 cases (11%). Valvular replacement was performed in 10 patients, 4 of them were mitral, other 6 were aortic valve. Key annuloplasty technique was applied in 2 patients with mitral insufficiency. Four patients required intraaortic ballon pump support. Early postoperative mortality was higher in the patients who underwent valvular and/or endarterectomy procedures and the average hospital mortality was 6.4% in all cases. Three patients died suddenly in the postoperative follow-up period and totally mortality of 14 months follow-up period was 8.4%.

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