e-ISSN : 2149-8156
Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery     
An Epitelial Angiosarcoma Diognosed As Pseudoaneurysm
*C. Levent BİRİNCİOĞLU, *A. Tulga ULUS, *S. Fehmi KATIRCIOĞLU, *Birol YAMAK, *Arzum KALE, *Oğuz TAŞDEMİR, **Gülden AYDOĞ
Türkiye Yüksek İhtisas Hastanesi,
*Kardiyovasküler Cerrahi Kliniği
**Patoloji Kliniği
As the name indicates, this tumor is a malignant neoplasm of vascular origin and may be found anywhere in the body, but most often in the extremities, skin, soft tissue, breast and liver. Its usually seem like sharply demarcated, hemorrhagic mass which is confusing with the chronic hematoma. This case report includes, a patient who was operated because of an pseudoaneurysm at the distal part of the graft and pathologically diagnosed as a epitaloid angiosarcoma.

Clinically, angisarcomas develope in a very short period and make metastasis. In this case, we lost our patient in a four month period. We could not find any sign, seem like malignancy at the first operation. At last, after three months later, when we operated the patient because of an pseudoaneurysm, we found a mass which was adhering to the peritoneum and colon. Patient was operated because of the ileus after 15 days as a third operation and was found a huge mass invading both the abdominal wall and colon. It was not resectable. We lost him in the intensive care unit.

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