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Vedat ERENTUĞ, Denyan MANSUROĞLU, Altuğ TUNCER, Murat Bülent RABUŞ, İbrahim UYAR, Bahadır DAĞLAR
Koşuyolu Kalp Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi Kliniği, İstanbul
Nowadays, central arterial and venous cateterization is used quite frequently for the purposes of diagnosis and treatment. The risk of life threating complications necessitating urgent treatment after intervention is quite low. A 13 year-old patient on hemodialysis for chronic renal insufficiency was admitted to the hospital with the formation of a swelling in the neck after internal juguler vein intervention and pseudoaneurysm originating from thyrocervical trunk was diagnosed with magnetic resonance angiography. Under general anestesia the neck of pseudoaneurysm was ligated and aneurysm was extirpated successfully.
Keywords : Pseudoaneurysm, truncus cervicalis, cateterization, hemodialysis
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