e-ISSN : 2149-8156
Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery     
Oya Uncu İMAMOĞLU, Mustafa ÖNCEL, Turgay ERGİNEL, Erhan TUNÇAY, Gülay DALKILIÇ, Hakan ACAR, Selahattin VURAL, Ergin OLCAY
Kartal Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, 1.Genel Cerrahi Kliniği, İSTANBUL
110 cases, examined from January 1997 until August 1998 at Department of General Surgery of Kartal Education and Research Hospital, were reviewed in this study.

Sex, age, etiology of traumas, clinical signs, other injuries, indications and types of surgery, complications, and mortality of the cases were examined in the study. 18.2% (20) of the patients were female and 71.8% (90) were male and the average age was 34.6. The most freguent type of trauma(59.1%) was blunt injuries, whereby the most frequent reasons were traffic accidents (44.5%). Other injuries were also seen at 32.7% (36) of cases. The fracture of the rib was the common pathology. No surgical treatment was performed on 27.3% (30) of the patients and also on 59.1% (66) of them, only a minor surgical treatment such as chest tube insertion or a late-period pleural drainage were needed. 13.6%(15) of patients were operated. On 12.7%(14) the complications were seen and 3.6%(4) died. All cases were called for a follow-up period.

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