e-ISSN : 2149-8156
Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery     
Surgical Treatment of Left Ventricular Aneurysms With an Endoventricular Pericardial Patch (Endoaneurysmorrhaphy): Early Clinical Results
Bahadır Dağlar, Mehmet Adnan Celkan, Hakkı Kazaz, Haşim Üstünsoy, Ekrem Bayar, Cem Atik
Gaziantep Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi Anabilim Dalı, Gaziantep
Background: We evaluated the short-term results of endoaneurysmorrhaphy with the use of an endoventricular pericardial patch in patients with a left ventricular aneurysm.

Methods: We studied 32 patients (23 men, 9 women; mean age 58.1±11.1 years; range 48-75 years) who underwent endoaneurysmorrhaphy between 2001 and 2004. Preoperative, postoperative and early operative results and echocardiographies were analyzed.

Results: The mean preoperative NYHA (New York Heart Association) class improved from 2.9±0.4 to 2.4±0.6. The mean ejection fraction improved from preoperative 33.2±6.7% to 38.3±0.8% in the early postoperative period, and to 41.6±4.5% in the postoperative sixth month. Perioperative mortality was seen in two patients (6.2%). No mortality occurred in the late follow-up.

Conclusion: Endoaneurysmorrhaphy with the use of an endoventricular pericardial patch is a safe procedure in the treatment of left ventricular aneurysms.

Keywords : Heart aneurysm/complications/surgery; pericardium/ transplantation; suture techniques; ventricular function, left
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