ISSN : 1301-5680
e-ISSN : 2149-8156
Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery     
Necip BECİT, Azman ATEŞ, Ahmet ÖZYAZICIOĞLU, Yahya ÜNLÜ, Ahmet Yavuz BALCI, Münacettin CEVİZ, İbrahim YEKELER, Hikmet KOÇAK
Atatürk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Göğüs Kalp Damar Cerrahisi Anabilim Dalı, ERZURUM
Background: We presented peripheral arterial injury cases, which have higher morbidity and mortality, and require emergency surgical intervention in the patients. In these cases, the life of the patient and his/her life and related extremities are at risk. The factors affecting success of the treatment and our surgical interventions were reviewed. Method: Two hundred and seventy-eight patients suffered from peripheral arterial injuries had surgical interventions in Atatürk University Medical Faculty Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Department between January 1983- October 1999. 40 cases were female (14.4%) and 238 cases were male (85.6%). The ages of patients ranged from 04 to 73 (mean:38.7). The distribution of the cases were as follows: penetrating injuries in 147 cases (52.8%), gunshot wounds in 76 cases (27.4%), and blunt injuries in 55 cases (19.8%). The period between injury and hospital admission ranged between was 1 hour and 4 days (mean:9.5 hours). The localisations were a. radialis/ulnaris in 80 (28.8%), a. brachialis in 56 (20.1%), a. femoralis in 53 (19.1%), a. poplitea in 35 (12.6%.), a. tibialis posterior-anterior-peronealis in 30 (10.8%), a. axillaris in 9 (3.2%), a. subclavia in 6 (2.2%), a. iliaca externa in 6 (2.2%), carotid arteries in 3 (1.1%). The most common surgical interventions were primary repair in 150 cases (53.9 % ), venous autograft replacement in 90 cases (32 %), synthetic graft replacement in 24 cases (8.6%) and ligation in 15 cases (5.4%). Result: There were 11 amputations (3,9%) and 17 patients died. (6.1%) Conclusions: It was thought that early and reasonable surgical intervention, a convenient technique, preoperative and postoperative full monitorization, effective medical interventions, and education on emergency can decrease morbidity and mortality in such cases.
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