ISSN : 1301-5680
e-ISSN : 2149-8156
Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery     
Kaan KIRALİ, Mustafa GÜLER, Vedat ERENTUĞ, Bahadır DAĞLAR, Mehmet BALKANAY, Esat AKINCI, Gökhan İPEK, Ömer IŞIK, Cevat YAKUT
Koşuyolu Kalp Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi Bölümü, İSTANBUL

Intraaortic balloon pump (IABP) is the most frequently used mechanichal support in the treatment of low cardiac output syndrome. It is used in unstable angina, postinfarct complications, left ventricular dysfunction and low cardiac output syndrome after coronary bypass surgery.


IABP as been used in 765 patients in the cardiovascular-intensive care unit since 1985. 73.5% of them (562 patients) received IABP before or after open-heart operation. We used it in 85 patients (11.1%) with cardiomyopathy who were waiting heart transplantation. Our using-rate was 5.7% in coronary bypass surgery. The first choice for IABP insertion site was femoral artery (94.5%).

Results: The most common complication was vascular ischemia with a rate of 12.8%. 53 of them were operated for limb ischemia. Mortality rate of patients received IABP was 26.6%, but we observed only two mortality caused by balloon catheter (rupture of abdominal aorta).


Despite of widespread usage of IABP, IABP-related morbidities may be decreased with close follow-up and early intervention for vascular complications. To insert IABP immmetiately in certain indications before or after operation may be life saving.

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