At İzmir State Hospital Cardiovascular Surgical Clinic, 69 patients underwent aortobifemoral by-pass operation (32 Dacron, 37 PTFE). In that study, patients having hypoplastic aorta, rupture and requring suprarenal reconstruction were excluded. No difference was found between the Dacron and the PTFE graft groups regarding operation indication and preoperative risk factors. There was no difference regarding blood loss and the amount of blood transfused perioperatively. But the aneurysm cases had a greater blood loss and required more transfusion regardless of the type of graft. (Blood loss DakronASO 544+378 ml, PTFEASO 680±482 ml, DakronANV 12961957 ml, PTFEANV 1124±790 ml, the amounts of transfusion DakronASO 1,6±1,4 Ü, PTFEASO 1,6±1,3 Ü, DakronANV 4±2,8 Ü, PTFEANV 3,7±2,5 Ü). Also, there were no differences in milliliters of crystalloid infused, units of heparin administered, aorta clamp times and operative times. One patient died from myocardial infarction (a PTFE patient). Early graft thrombosis developed in one PTFE patient and a thrombectomy was performed. Out of the 68 patients, 55 patients were found in follow up. The average follow up period was 3.5 years (PTFE 4.2 years, Dacron 3.1 years). During this time, 10 patients (PTFE 6, Dacron 4) were admitted for graft occlusion. Out of those patients, graft occlusion was found in Dacron patient (ali together Dacron 6, PTFE 6).
In conclusion, there is no difference between the use of Dacron and PTFE Y-aortic bifurcation graft.