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Pregnancy and open heart surgery: how can we change mother and fetus mortality
Pregnancy and open heart surgery: how can we change mother and fetus mortality
Abdullah Kemal Tuygun, Nurgül Yurtseven, Pelin Karaca, Aybanu Tuygun, Sabri Dağsalı
Dr. Siyami Ersek Göğüs Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi Merkezi Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi Kliniği, İstanbul
It is well-known that in women with cardiac disease, pregnancy and accompaniying physiologic changes might cause serious additional problems. Rheumatic valvular disease has historically been the most common type of heart disease in pregnant women. Although it has diminished significantly as a result of controls of acute rheumatic fever eradication, it still continues to be a serious problem in the young, pregnant women. Additionally, pregnant women, who have prosthetic valves need to be kept under surveillance for the lives of both the mother and the fetus. A likely emergent intracardiac operation which is caused by valve dysfunction and/or endocarditis in a pregnant patient with a prosthetic valve requires to take all precautions for the safety of both the lives of the mother and the fetus. The operative mortality rate increases by the associated maternal and fetal mortality and shows the necessary precautions and makes it striking how serious the situation is. That there are very limited number of cases and appear to be sporadic all over the world and there is no established well known classical management methods makes this situation controversial. Publications from the devoloping and undeveloped countries where valve disease is commonly seen will shed light on questions.
Keywords : Pregnancy; open heart surgery
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