The patient underwent a successful coronary reimplantation surgery. After median sternotomy, standard aortic arterial and bicaval venous cannulation were utilized for cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). After the onset of CBP, the right and left PA were snared. Myocardial protection with mild hypothermia was achieved via Del Nido antegrade cardioplegia. Pulmonary arteriotomy was applied horizontally and the slit-like ostium of the LCA, which was at the close sinus to aorta, was visualized. Coronary artery was removed from the pulmonary sinus and, then, anastomosed to the adjacent aortic sinus prepared by punch resection before the anastomosis. The defect in the pulmonic sinuses was reconstructed by using glutaraldehyde-fixed autologous pericardium. The patient was weaned from CPB lasting 62 min after removing cross-clamp lasting 41 min. Control ECG showed mild ST changes (Figure 2a) and control ECHO revealed normal heart functions and no pathological findings (Figure 2b). The patient was discharged from the hospital on the postoperative Day 5 after one-day postoperative intensive care unit stay and is still under follow-up without any symptoms for nine months.
Most patients present in infancy with varying symptoms of myocardial ischemia, left ventricular dysfunction, and progressive heart failure.[3] The prognosis of ALCAPA depends on the varying degree of collaterals developing between the LCA and RCA, when PA pressure gradually decreases. Patients with well-established collaterals have the adult type of the disease, and those without collaterals have the infant type.[2] In addition to the development of intercoronary collaterals, a slit-like ostium and/or restrictive opening between the LCA and PA are important anatomical factors leading to a better left coronary perfusion and longer survival by limiting coronary steal. Approximately 15% of patients can survive beyond the first year of life, depending on the development of collateral circulation. These patients may present with angina, dyspnea, syncope, myocardial infarction, arrhythmias, or sudden cardiac death.[4] Sudden death and myocardial infarction may be the first and the only symptom. Tachypnea, rapid and weak pulse, gallop rhythm, murmur of mitral incompetence and continuous murmur of intercoronary anastomosis and arrhythmias may be the signs of ALCAPA. Chest X-ray may show cardiomegaly. The ECG findings must be evaluated for signs of ischemia (pathological Q waves in leads I, AVL (augmented vector left) and V4-V6). Patients with a rich collateral circulation may have non-specific changes. Also, ECHO may show the abnormal origin of the LCA from the PA, the reverse flow in LCA, the dilated RCA, severe left ventricular dysfunction, and mitral regurgitation. Catheter angiography is performed to confirm the diagnosis. The treatment of choice for ALCAPA is urgent surgical intervention which mainly targets the correction of the coronary steal phenomenon. The simple ligation of ALCAPA, coronary artery bypass grafting, channel repair (Takeuchi surgery), and coronary artery reimplantation are the four surgical procedures recommended for the treatment. The reimplantation surgery, which is the ideal option to achieve a definitive two-coronary anatomy and physiology, has become the first-choice procedure for this anomaly with favorable short and long-term outcomes.[5,6]
Our patient was diagnosed with adult form of ALCAPA syndrome. There was no pathological Q wave or T wave inversion on ECG. Only mild ST changes (<1 mm) in leads V4-V6 and lead III were observed. The ECHO revealed normal sized cardiac chambers, an ejection fraction of 65%, no mitral regurgitation, collateral circulation that was previously misinterpreted as multiple small VSDs, dilated RCA, and reverse flow in LCA. Catheter angiography confirmed the diagnosis of ALCAPA. The reimplantation technique was preferred as the surgical treatment. It is the firstchoice procedure for this anomaly in our institution, as we believe that, even in patients with sufficient collateral circulation, anatomical correction and the establishment of two-coronary system is important to avoid long-term morbidity and mortality. Besides the development of extensive intercoronary collaterals, slit-like ostium of the LCA was an important factor protecting our case from myocardial ischemia.
We present this case due to its rarity, as most patients with ALCAPA have congestive heart failure during infancy. However, very rarely, due to the development of extensive collaterals, some patients may survive beyond infancy. Although most patients with undiagnosed ALCAPA dies during infancy, it must be kept in mind that they may survive to adulthood without any signs and symptoms, although very rare. Therefore, careful evaluation of coronary arteries is of utmost importance. In case of any suspicion, even in asymptomatic patients, angiography must be performed to confirm the diagnosis, since the first symptom of ALCAPA may be sudden cardiac death. As it is a treatable cause of dilated cardiomyopathy, early and accurate diagnosis with an urgent surgical treatment is critical.
In conclusion, although most pediatric cardiologists pay attention to the evaluation of coronary arteries, particularly in patients with ventricular dysfunction and signs of myocardial ischemia, careful evaluation of coronary arteries in every patient is very important, as coronary artery anomalies such as anomalous origin of left coronary artery from pulmonary artery may present in adulthood without any sign and symptoms.
Declaration of conflicting interests
The authors declared no conflicts of interest with respect to
the authorship and/or publication of this article.
The authors received no financial support for the research
and/or authorship of this article.
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