Methods: Between October 2018 and February 2019, a total of 69 patients (4 males, 65 females; mean age 50 years; range, 19 to 73 years) who were diagnosed with chronic venous insufficiency and consulted for physiotherapy were included in the study. The physical activity level of the patients was determined using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire in three groups as light, moderate, or vigorous. Fatigue, pain, and QoL were assessed using the Fatigue Severity Scale, visual analog scale (during the night, activity, and rest), and Venous Insufficiency Epidemiological and Economic Study Quality/Symptom Scale, respectively.
Results: Of a total of 69 patients, 17 were in the light-intensity physical activity group, 32 in the moderate-intensity physical activity group, and 20 in the vigorous-intensity physical activity group. Perceived pain during activity and fatigue were significantly different between the light- and moderate-intensity physical activity groups (p<0.05). There was no significant difference in pain, fatigue, and quality of life scores between the vigorous-intensity physical activity group and the other two groups (p>0.05).
Conclusion: Our study results suggest that a moderate level of physical activity may be helpful to overcome symptoms such as pain and fatigue in patients with chronic venous insufficiency and to improve quality of life.
Chronic venous insufficiency is characterized by persistent lower limb venous hypertension due to venous reflux or obstruction and a failure of calf muscle pump function.[5] In addition, a significant reduction in the dorsi and plantar flexion range of motion (ROM) has been reported, particularly in the more advanced form of chronic venous diseases (CVD).[6,7] The impairment of the calf muscle in patients with CVI may lead to an insufficient return of venous blood flow in the lower limbs.[8,9] In certain cases, CVI may also increase the degree of calf muscle deterioration, leading to an altered walking gait and reduction in general mobility.[10-12] To change this negative feedback mechanism, patients with this problem must be encouraged to participate in physical activity, despite the difficulties associated with leg disease to achieve the benefits of physical activity.[13,14]
Physical activity is defined as any bodily movement required to sustain life and produced by the skeletal muscles.[15] It can improve the health and quality of life (QoL) for patients with chronic diseases.[16] Intensity refers to the rate at which the physical activity is being performed or the magnitude of the effort required to perform an activity.[17] The total a mount of caloric expenditure during physical activity is measured by the amount of muscle mass producing bodily movements and the intensity, duration and frequency of muscular contractions. The amount of energy expended by each individual is a continuous variable, ranging from light to vigorous.[18]
To express the intensity of physical activities, metabolic equivalents (METs) are commonly used. One MET is defined as the energy cost of sitting quietly and is equivalent to a caloric consumption of 1 kcal/kg/h. The MET is the ratio of an individual's working metabolic rate relative to the resting metabolic rate. Moderate-intensity physical activities (3-6 METs) such as brisk walking, dancing, gardening, housework, active involvement in games, general building tasks or carrying require a moderate amount of effort and noticeably accelerate the heart rate. Vigorous-intensity physical activities (>6 METs) such as running, walking and climbing, fast cycling, aerobics, fast swimming, competitive sports and games, heavy shoveling or digging or carrying more than 20 kg require a large effort and cause rapid breathing and substantial increase in the heart rate.[19] As a result, physical activity may exert positive effects on vascular leg disorders.[20] Therefore, patients with CVI are advised to be more active in their daily living environments.[21] The effects of various levels of physical activity on the most common symptoms of CVI have not been investigated, yet.
In the present study, we aimed to compare the effect of different physical activity levels on pain, fatigue, and QoL in patients with CVI.
The most frequent symptoms were pain, a feeling of heaviness in the legs, burning sensation, tired legs sensation, paresthesia, and cramps. The presence of these symptoms and their associated intensity are known to be related, in most cases, to the stage of the disease and the degree of functional limitation.[23,24]
Outcome Measurements
Physical activity
The International Physical Activity Questionnaire
(IPAQ) was developed by researchers from several
countries with the support of the World Health
Organization and Centers for Disease Control, a
standardized tool to evaluate physical activity. Physical
activity was assessed using the self-administered long
(27-item) form of the IPAQ.[25] The IPAQ questionnaire
lists activities and requests the duration and frequency
of each activity engaged in over the past week.
Durations are multiplied by known METs per activity
and the results for all items are summed for the overall
physical activity score. Scores for walking and for
moderate and vigorous activities are the sums of
corresponding item scores. Although sitting has been
reported recently, it is not included in the physical
activity score, as the IPAQ recommends.
The physical activity level was determined by the Turkish version of the IPAQ, which is a self-reported instrument. According to the IPAQ scores, patients were categorized into three groups as light, moderate, or vigorous.[26,27]
The IPAQ scoring protocol assigns the following MET values to walking: for moderate, and vigorous intensity activity 3.3 METs, 4.0 METs, and 8.0 METs, respectively.[28] This is expressed in the MET-min per week: MET level x min of activity x events per week.[29]
The fatigue level of the patients was evaluated
with the Turkish version of the Fatigue Severity Scale
(FSS) which is a self-reported scale that measures
the severity of fatigue.[30] There are nine items and,
for each question, the patient was asked to choose
a number from 1 to 7 to indicate how much the
patient agrees with each statement, where 1 indicates
strong disagreement and 7 indicates strong agreement.
A score of ?4 indicates severe fatigue.[31]
The sensory dimension of CVI-related pain was
assessed with a traditional 10-cm visual analog scale
(VAS) ( 0= no pain; 1 0= worst pain), which has
demonstrated good reliability and validity.[32] The
patients mark the point on the line that corresponds
best to their symptom severity or control status. They
are instructed to put a cross on the straight line at the
point that most accurately expresses their degree of pain during rest, activity and at night. When scoring
the VAS, the position of the respondent"s cross is
assigned a score between 0 and 100. The scores can
be, then, simply transferred to a 100-value scale using
a millimeter tape measure.[33] To illustrate, VAS > 5:
uncontrolled, VAS 2-5: partly controlled, and VAS <2:
well controlled.[34] Pain evaluation was performed in
the same order for each patient by physiotherapists to
compare pain during rest, activity, and at night.
Venous Insufficiency Epidemiological and
Economic Study Quality/Symptom
Scale (VEINES-QOL/Sym)
The VEINES-QOL/Sym is a unique scale consisting
of 26 parts and two components developed to measure
the effect of venous diseases about symptoms and QoL
from the patient"s perspective. It can be completed in
about 10 to 15 min by patients; therefore, it is practical
for routine use. It evaluates symptoms (10 items)
at five different frequencies (daily, several times a
week, once a week, once every few weeks or never),
daily activity restrictions (nine items), frequency of
leg problems (one item), change within the past year
(one item), and psychological effect (five items). In
questions about symptoms, daily limitations and
psychological effects, the time includes the last four
weeks. The scale has two scores. The VEINES-QOL
score, with the sum of 25 items, shows the effect of
CVD on QoL. The VEINES-Sym score, the sum of
the venous symptoms (nine items) and the intensity
of the pain felt (one item), provides information
on the severity of venous symptoms. Lower scores
indicate poorer QoL. The survey has been developed
in English.[35,36] The Turkish version of the VEINESQOL
scale was shown to be valid and reliable.[37]
Statistical analysis
Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS
version 15.0 software (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).
Descriptive data were expressed in mean ± standard
deviation (SD), median (min-max), or number and
frequency. For the comparison of the difference
between the groups, the Kruskal-Wallis test was
used for three-group comparisons and the Mann-
Whitney U test was used for two-group comparisons.
A p value of <0.05 with 95% confidence interval (CI)
was considered statistically significant.
Table 1: The diagnosis and gender of patients based on physical activity level
Although the median age was higher in the group with light-intensity physical activity group, there was no statistically significant difference among the groups. However, there was a statistically significant difference in the VAS scores for perceived pain during activity and FSS scores among the groups (p<0.05) (Table 2).
Table 2: Differences between groups according to age, BMI, pain, fatigue, and QoL scores
In addition, there was a statistically significant difference in the pain scores during activity and fatigue between the light- and moderate-intensity physical activity groups (p<0.05) in favor of the moderateintensity group. However, there was no significant difference in pain, fatigue and QoL scores between the vigorous-intensity physical activity group and the other two groups (p>0.05) (Table 3).
Table 3: Differences between light, moderate, and vigorous level of physical activity groups
Physical activity is known to improve health and QoL in chronic diseases[15] and is associated with a remarkable decrease in cardiovascular mortality.[39] Strong evidence demonstrates that individuals who are more active have lower rates of all-cause mortality with decreased blood pressure, and exhibit a higher level of cardiorespiratory fitness and are more likely to achieve weight maintenance.[40] In CVI, physical activity may also have several potential positive effects which control symptoms, improve QoL, and decrease morbidities. As exercise and physical activity can improve the venous return, calf muscle pump,[5] and endurance,[11] the number of fast-twitch fibers (type II fibers),[6,41] functional sympatholysis,[42] and microvascular endothelial function.[43] One way to remediate CVI may be increasing the venous circulation, while modulating sympathetic vasoconstrictor activity with physical activity is the second way.[42]
In the present study, symptoms of CVI decreased in the moderate-intensity physical activity group compared to light- and vigorous-intensity physical activity. In addition, physical activity was found to be associated with reduced pain during activity, fatigue, and improved QoL. As mentioned above, the physical activity groups included walking, cycling, and dancing which require the use of lower limb functions. Physical activity due to lower limb exercises can stimulate the calf muscle pump, which supports the venous circulation. In particular, walking is beneficial as it causes the calf muscles to contract and expand by increasing the blood pump from the lower limb upward toward the heart.[44] When pump function becomes impaired, this can contribute to the development of edema in the lower limbs and other symptoms of CVI.[45] In a study, Heinen et al.[46] evaluated the level of walking and leg exercises among patients with venous leg ulcers. A total of 150 patients had leg ulcers caused mainly by venous insufficiency and 35% of the patients did not have a 10-min walk even once a week. Low levels of physical activity were established in patients with venous leg ulcers. This finding indicates the importance of physical activity in CVD.
In our study, we used the IPAQ to evaluate physical activity. Using this questionnaire, the duration and frequency of every individual"s activity were assessed and the IPAQ scores were categorized into three groups as light, moderate, or vigorous. One of our main results highlights the importance of moderate level of physical activity to control fatigue, pain, and QoL in CVI patients. Of note, general public health recommendations are composed of at least 30-min moderate-intensity physical activity on most, preferably, all days of the week.[28,47]
It is known that the efficacy of at least 30-min moderate-intensity physical activity on at least five days of the week and have shown its beneficial effect on different physiological and clinical variables.[48] The international message of recent guideline is that health benefits can be only achieved, when a 150-min/week moderate-to-vigorous physical activity is achieved. This threshold and expert opinion-based message consistently demonstrate that a volume of physical activity of half (or even less) of 150-min/week recommendation may yield significant health benefits.[49] Observational, population-based studies have also suggested that this activity level is associated with a reduced risk of several chronic diseases and increased longevity.[50]
In the present study, we found the beneficial effect of moderate exercise on fatigue and pain for CVI patients. There are many factors which contribute to the association between the physical activity and fatigue. Individuals with CVI can continue their physical activity to avoid excessive fatigue.[51] Calf muscle fatigue, being the most essential factor of fatigue in CVI, may be a particularly important determinant in the compliance of CVI patients to perform physical activity. In previous studies, muscle fatigue was found to be strongly influenced by a failure of Ca2+ release and depressed NaC-KC-ATPase enzyme activity.[52,53] Another factor contributing to fatigue may be the increased lactic acid levels in skeletal muscles.[41] It has been thought that the pumping mechanisms of calf muscles and the vasodilatation of the vessels may not be effective enough in patients with a low level of physical activity. Additionally, increased levels of stress and forceful efforts may lead to insufficient time for recovery. However, moderate-intensity exercise was shown to have a greater effect on reducing fatigue and increasing walking endurance than vigorous-intensity exercise. This outcome can be attributed to the nature of the mechanism of physiological changes as a result of exercise. It is well-known that regular exercise induces stress and must attain a certain level of stress for adaptation to occur.[54] Forty-two trials involving 3,816 participants showed that exercise resulted in significant reductions in fatigue (standardized mean difference 0.32, 95% CI 0.13 to 0.52) and a significant negative correlation was found between the aerobic exercise intensity and reduced fatigue.[55]
In CVI, immobilization of the limbs for two weeks leads to prolonged venous hypertension that can produce pain[10] due to impaired functional sympatholysis.[42] A moderate level of activity, but not low and high-level, may be an option to reduce CVIrelated pain. The link between moderate physical activity and reduced pain incidence, intensity and/or pain sensitivity have indicated the requirement to select quantitative sensory test assessments.[56] Although the level of physical activity could be measured with certain devices to be more accurate, the IPAQ was used in our study, as in many clinics, due to unavailability of these devices in our facility. On the other hand, this limitation can be tolerated, as the IPAQ could be easily applied and adopted in clinical practice.
To date, no study has examined the most optimal level of physical activity in patients with CVI. Physical activity is an important factor for individuals with vascular leg problems.[20] In all previous reviews, all types and intensities of physical activity were collected and there has been a lack of evidence on the safety and efficacy of exercise in relation to dose.[57,58] Determining the most optimal level of physical activity to control CVI symptoms may be useful for the prevention of disease progression and its adverse consequences. In addition to physical activity recommendation, the effort level may have a critical role in this patient population. Therefore, the effects of different levels of physical activity on CVI symptoms should be investigated in further studies.
In conclusion, our study results suggest that a moderate level of physical activity may be helpful to overcome symptoms such as pain and fatigue in patients with chronic venous insufficiency with improved quality of life.
Declaration of conflicting interests
The authors declared no conflicts of interest with respect to
the authorship and/or publication of this article.
The authors received no financial support for the research
and/or authorship of this article.
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