Methods: In this study, 10 patients (7 males, 3 females; mean age 64±14 years) underwent stentless aortic bioprosthetic valve replacement procedure and 10 patients (4 males, 6 females; mean age 68±16 years) underwent mechanical valve replacement procedure as a control group between January 2005 and December 2005. Fifteen days after discharge, patients were called for control to measure their valve noise level with digital sound level meter (Lutron-SL-4022) and were administered a questionnaire valve noise level.
Results: Seven out of 10 patients who underwent mechanical valve replacement reported hearing the valve noise. Of the ten, three patients had the complaint of new onset sleeplessness in the postoperative period, three of the patients were disturbed by the click sound in daily life, and four patients declared they would be pleased if they had a less noisy valve. All patients in the study group declared the acoustic comfort affected their mood positively.
Conclusion: Because of their being noiseless, the positive effect of biological valves on quality of life should be considered in decision-making by surgeons, patients, and their families.