After the evaluation of the history, clinical and laboratory findings, we detected a noncoronary cause in 76 (70%) out of 109 patients.
We detected peptic ulcus in 8 (7%), hiatal hernia in 2 (2%), cholecystectomy in 2 (2%), myalgia in 2 (2%), cervical artrosis in 5 (5%), fibrotic sequele of pulmonary tuberculosis in 2 (2%), pleural effusion sequele in 2 (2%), pneumectomy in 2 (2%), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in 1 (1%), haemothorax sequele in 1 (1%), psychonevrosis in 3 (3%), mitral stenosis in 1 (1%), mitral prolapsus in 5 (5%), calcified aortic stenosis in 1 (1%), cardiomyopathy in 11 (10%) and hypertension in 24 (22%) patients as a non-coronary cause. In 33 (30%) patients there were no cause for the chest pain.
As a result, we concluded that the non coronary causes of chest pain have to be evaluated carefully before angiography, to prevent the time and economic loss.