76 patients with chronic renal disease were operated for subcutenous arteriovenous fistula between September 1996 December 1997 and followed retrospectively for short and long term patency. 27 patients were followed at least for 1 year and all patients at least for 3 months.
Early failure rate was 18%. Early failure was statistically higler with end-to-side fistula than side-to-side fistula, with snuffbox fistula than more proksimal fistula and with fistula having high venous pressure than those with low venous pressure. There were no statistically significant difference between these parameters for long term patency.
We conclude that intraoperative variables are important for the short term patency of fistula and care of the fistula and appropirate revison of the fistula when necessary are important for the long term patency.