Patients younger than 70 years old with a hemoglobin level of 7 gr/100 ml or less, and patients over 70 years with a hemoglobin level of 8 gr/100 ml or less received blood transfusion through out the study. The volume retransfused to the study group was 597±77.8 ml with a mean hematocrit value of 26.3±3.5 %. There were no deaths. No patients needed re-expoloration for bleeding. There were no post-operative complications. 46 patients (92%) did not receive any blood or blood products and 4 patients (8%) needed only 1 unit of homologous red cell transfusions in retransfusion group; whereas 13 patients (26%) needed 1 unit and 3 patients received 2 units of homologous red cell transfusions in control group (p=0.008). At discharge, the mean hematocrit value was statistically higher in retransfusion group compared with the control group. There was an important reduction in blood usage with the use of this nonpharmacological, simple, inexpensive, and safe method of blood conservation.