Methods: A total of 26 patients, who were pathologically diagnosed as tuberculous pleurisy, including 10 of whom had no BCG vaccine and 16 of whom had BCG vaccine, were included. Total CD3+, CD4+, CD8+ T cells, total CD19+ B cells and natural killer cell ratio as well as intracellular interferon-gamma (IFN-γ), interleukin (IL)-2, IL-4, IL-5 and IL-10 expression in pleural fluid lymphocytes were analyzed.
Results: In BCG positive group, CD8+ T lymphocytes were significantly increased. Intracellular IL-4 levels of lymphocytes in pleural fluid were significantly reduced in these subjects, compared to BCG negative subjects.
Conclusion: BCG vaccine may suppress Th2 type immune response and also lead to increased levels of CD8+ T cells. CD8+ T cells may play an important role in the immunopathogenesis of tuberculous pleurisy.
Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) is the single most commonly used vaccine for tuberculosis in the world, but its is under suspicion due to potential ineffectiveness. The efficiency of BCG ranged from 0-80% in various series that have been conducted in different countries in the world.[7] The BCG vaccine prevents children from getting tuberculosis, but it is insufficient for preventing adults from getting lung tuberculosis, and the immunity levels decrease with age. It is not totally known what changes BCG causes in the course of the disease, and developed countries, such as the United States no longer use it to vaccinate children against tuberculosis; however, but it is still routinely used for immigrant children, people working in hospitals or laboratories, and those having a high risk for tuberculosis.[8] Detecting the cause of a positive tuberculin skin test in people who were vaccinated with BCG is impossible since the result could either be caused by a virulent mycobacteria or the vaccine itself.[9] Because of this, tuberculin skin tests (TSTs) are limited in their ability to diagnose tuberculosis in people that have received this vaccine.
The aim of this study was to detect the contribution of T cells, B cells, and natural killer (NK) cells along with the balance of Th1/Th2 lymphocyte subsets as they relate to the immunopathogenesis of tuberculous pleurisy and the immunomodulation caused by BCG.
Cell preparation
The pleural fluid samples were collected in heparinized
tubes, and the pleural fluid mononuclear cells (PFMCs)
were separated by Ficoll-Hypaque (Sigma-Aldrich Co.,
St. Louis, Missouri, USA) density gradient centrifugation.
The interfaced cells were then harvested and washed
in phosphate buffer saline (PBS) and resuspended in a
complete RPMI-1640 (Sigma-Aldrich Co., St. Louis,
Missouri, USA) medium containing 10% heat-inactivated
fetal calf serum (FCS), penicillin (100 U/ml), streptomycin
(100 mg/ml), gentamicin (50 mg/ml), and 50 mM
2-mercaptoethanol at a concentration of 2x106 cells/ml.
Determination of T Lymphocyte Surface
After purification of the PFMCs, immunofluorescent
staining for flow cytometric analyses were employed, and two-color flow cytometry was performed to
determine the phenotypes in the T lymphocytes
in the pleural fluid. The monoclonal antibodies
(mAbs) used for this study included anti-human
CD45-fluoroscein isothiocyanate (FITC)/anti-CD14-
phycoerythrin (PE), anti-CD4-FITC/CD8-PE, anti-
CD3-FITC/CD19-PE, anti-CD3-FITC/CD16+56-PE,
and anti-CD5-FITC/CD19-PE, and appropriate PEor
FITC-conjugated isotype control (IC) mAbs (BD
Biosciences, San Jose, California, USA). Next, 5x105
cells were incubated in the dark at room temperature
for 30 minutes with the mAbs at the concentrations
recommended by the manufacturer and washed once
in the PBS. Then the stained cells were fixed in 1%
paraformaldehyde (Sigma-Aldrich Co., St. Louis,
Missouri, USA). Acquisition was performed on a BD
FACSCalibur™ flow cytometer (BD Biosciences,
San Jose, California, USA), and 3x104 e vents w ere
collected for each sample. Analysis was performed
using BD CELLQuest™ (BD Biosciences, San
Jose, California, USA) on list-mode data, and the
lymphocyte gate was defined by forward/side scatter
Intracytoplasmic cytokine staining of the pleural
fluid lymphocytes
The purified PFMCs were washed and 1x106
cells/ml were stimulated for cytokine production.
The cells were incubated with a combination of
phorbol ester phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA)
50 ng/ml and 250 ng/ml ionomycin (a calcium
ionophore agent) (Sigma-Aldrich Co., St. Louis,
Missouri, USA) for 18 hours. Brefeldin A (BFA)
(Sigma-Aldrich Co., St. Louis, Missouri, USA)
was added at a final concentration of 10 mg/mL
during the last three hours of the culture since it
significantly increases the ability to detect cytokineproducing
cells by immunofluorescent staining.
After incubation, the PFMCs were washed with
a PBS solution and then fixed and permeabilized
with a Fix & Perm cell permeabilization kit (Caltag
Laboratories, Burlingame, California, USA) that
contained a paraformaldehyde/saponin solution. After
washing, the cells were stained with PE or FITCconjugated
IC (IgG1), anti-IL-2, anti-IL-4, anti-IL-5,
anti-IL-10, and anti-IFN-γ (Caltag Laboratories,
Burlingame, California, USA) mAbs for 30 minutes
at room temperature. After washing, the cells were
resuspended in the 1% paraformaldehyde at +4 °C
and analyzed by the FACSCalibur flow cytometer.
Cell debris was excluded by threshold, and the results
were presented as mean values of percentages and
standard deviation.
Statistical analysis
The data was expressed as mean ± standard
deviation, and statistical analysis was performed by a
chi-square test or the Mann-Whitney U test using the
SPSS (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois, USA) version 11.5
for Windows software program.
Th1 and Th2 type cytokine secretion of
lymphocytes from the pleural fluid
Differentiation of CD4+ T cells is based on their
profile of cytokine secretion. Th1 cells produce IFN-γ,
IL-2, and tumor necrosis factor-beta (TNF-ß) which activate macrophages and are responsible for cellmediated
immunity and phagocyte-dependent protective
To analyze Th1 and Th2 type cytokines, the PFMCs were stimulated with a combination of PMA and ionomycin for 18 hours. The cells were stained with IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, and IFN-γ mAbs and analyzed by flow cytometry. The expression of the IL-4 level was significantly lower in the tuberculosis patients who had been vaccinated with BCG than in those who received no vaccinations (p=0.013). However, there were no significant differences with respect to IL-2, IL-5, IL-10, or IFN-γ content between the two groups (Figures 2a and 2b).
Tuberculous pleurisy and tuberculosis lymphadenitis account for 18.7% of all tuberculosis cases and make up 60.2% of the cases of extrapulmonary tuberculous.[10] There have been many studies concerning the immunopathogenesis of tuberculous pleurisy, and it is known that its immunological changes resemble the ones found in lung tuberculosis. Therefore, tuberculosis pleurisy is accepted as an in vivo model of the protective immune response in tuberculosis immunopathogenesis.[5] It is characterized by antigenspecific IFN-γ production and an increase in the number of CD4+ T lymphocytes.[11] T helper cells have two main groups with antigen specificity, the Th1 and Th2 cells.[12] The Th1 cells produce IL-2 and IFN-γ and affect immunity by the activation of macrophages and cell-mediated immunity while also causing organspecific autoimmune diseases. The Th2 cells produce IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, and IL-13 and play a role in humoral immunity. They are efficient in inhibiting the functions of macrophages by producing proinflammatory cytokines.[13]
Tuberculous pleurisy is usually a type of primary tuberculosis, and there is a Th1 type cellular immune response. Miliary tuberculosis is a form of uncontrolled disseminated infection and is usually associated with a Th2 type immune response.[14] The efficacy of the tuberculosis infection and disease control is determined by the predominancy of either the Th1 or Th2 type cytokines.
Interleukin-4 is a pleiotropic cytokine produced by Th2 cells. It regulates immune responses in T cells, B cells, and macrophages and is a key cytokine in driving Th2 differentiation and mediating humoral immunity. In the tuberculosis pleurisy patients who were vaccinated with BCG in our study, the IL-4 secretions in the Th2 type cytokines were decreased. This finding is consistent with evidence from a previous study in which the role of IL-4 in tuberculosis was studied in guinea pigs, a highly relevant model for this disease.[15] The BCG vaccination reduced the expression of IL-4 messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) in both the spleen and lung digest cells in the guinea pigs with tuberculosis compared with those with the disease, but the levels of IFN-γ were similar in both groups. The Th2 type immune response may be suppressed by BCG, and IL-4 can undermine the Th1 mediated immune response during tuberculosis and impair antimicrobial immunity. Furthermore, BCG may downregulate the negative regulators of Th1 immunity like IL-4. According to our results, we suggest that there is a Th1 type immune response in patients with tuberculous pleurisy who receive BCG vaccinations; however, the IL-5 and IL-10 levels between the two groups in our study were not statistically significant.
T lymphocytes play the primary role in the cellular immune response against tuberculosis. There were no statistically significant differences in the total lymphocyte and T lymphocyte subsets, including the CD4+ T-cell levels, between the two patient groups in our study. The immune response after M. tuberculosis infection is mainly dependent on the CD4+ T cells. The special characteristics of M. tuberculosis affect the presentation of antigens along with the ability to process them and determine the protective immunity achieved by the CD4 T cells.[16,17] Interferon-gamma is a key cytokine for protective immunity against tuberculosis. People who are deficient in producing IFN-γ are more prone to getting sustained mycobacterial infections, including tuberculosis.[18] Exogen IFN-γ may be an alternative tuberculosis treatment option in the future.[19] In our study, there were not any statistical differences in IFN-γ and IL-2 levels between the two patient groups. Since both IL-2 and IFN-γ are Th-type cytokines, this result showed that the BCG vaccine did not cause any differences in the Th1 type immune response in our patients.
The CD8+ T lymphocytes may play a role in the regulation of the Th1/Th2 balance by producing IL-4 and IFN-γ in tuberculosis. In our study, CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes were observed to be higher in the patients who were vaccinated with BCG, but there were no differences in the ratios of CD4+ T cells, B cells, and NK cells in the two groups. The CD8+ T lymphocytes may also play a vital role in the immunopathogenesis of tuberculous pleurisy. In addition, they contribute to macrophage activation by producing IFN-γ and are also capable of exhibiting cytolytic functions.[20] It has been shown that serum IL-2, IL-4, and tumor necrosis factoralpha (TNF-a) levels are diminished in pulmonary tuberculosis, which suggests that CD8+ T cells produce both Th1 and Th2 type cytokines and that these may have an crucial role in the peripheral immune response to mycobacteria.[21]
Natural killer cells can produce IFN-γ and eliminate target cells infected with tuberculosis. Decreased activity of NK cells may help in the fight against multidrug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-tuberculosis).[22] In our study, there were no statistical differences in the NK cell ratios between the patients vaccinated with BCG or those who were not.
The BCG vaccine has been used for tuberculosis control in the world since 1928. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends a one-time administration of BCG at birth in endemic countries. The efficacy of BCG vaccinations as measured by case reduction has varied from 0% to greater than 80%. In India, the T-cell responses were evaluated in children who had received BCG vaccinations,[23] and Th1 type immune responses were found in the majority of these children.
Since the BCG vaccine especially protects against disseminated tuberculosis in childhood and is also effective against leprosy, it is widely used throughout the world. However, this vaccine has not caused statistically significant changes in the prevalence of tuberculosis. Nevertheless, providing BCG vaccinations at childhood is still the most reasonable way to fight tuberculosis in countries with a high incidence rate. Prophylactic treatment strategies and tuberculosis contact examinations are more beneficial and efficient in countries with low rates of tuberculosis. The efficacy of BCG should be increased, especially for pulmonary tuberculosis, and new vaccines that would offer more protection against this type of tuberculosis should be developed in the future. According to our results, the IL-4-secreting pleural lymphocytes decreased, and the number of CD8+ T lymphocytes increased in the patients who received BCG vaccinations, and the vaccine may suppress the Th2 type immune response and also cause increased levels of CD8+ T cells, which may play an important role in the immunopathogenesis of tuberculous pleurisy.
Declaration of conflicting interests
The authors declared no conflicts of interest with
respect to the authorship and/or publication of this article.
This study was financially supported by Working
Capital of GATA Haydarpaşa Training Hospital.
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