However, this method occasionally has the problem of bleeding from the suture line[3] or graft sweating during cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). Nevertheless, this simple technique eliminates blood loss and keeps the spilled blood away from the surrounding surfaces.
To perform this technique, the axillary artery is
dissected (Figure 1) and prepared for cannulation
using the side graft method as has been previously
described.[4] Then an 8 or 10 mm prosthetic graft is anastomosed to the axillary artery in an end-to-side
fashion (Figure 2). At this stage, it is critical to use
a graft with minimum length to leave all synthetic
graft inside the axillary groove at the end-to-side
anastomosis. Next, an intracardiac/pericardial sump,
which is attached to a cell saver system, is inserted
into the groove (Figure 3), and with the graft and
sucker tip inside, only the skin of the incision is closed
with continuous sutures to create a closed space. This
allows for the sucker to empty the space into the
attached cell saver system (Figure 4). A gauze sponge
or hemostatic agent, such as Surgicel (Ethicon, Inc., a
Johnson & Johnson Company, Somerville, New Jersey,
USA), is left inside the pocket, and the surgeon then
checks the arterial line resistance with the perfusionist
before starting the CPB.
The axillary cannulation via end-to-side anastomosis of a prosthetic graft to the axillary artery has several advantages. First, since the prosthetic material is inside the groove, this method eliminates the blood loss from the anastomosis leakage and/ or the prosthetic graft sweating by sucking up the blood. Another advantage is that the leaking blood can be saved by the cell saver. Furthermore, the surgeon can monitor the amount of blood loss, which is often surprising, and the cell saver tubing can be transferred from the axillary groove to the pericardium and used as a sucker system during the controlled bleeding that takes place after the administration of protamine.
Declaration of conflicting interests
The authors declared no conflicts of interest with
respect to the authorship and/or publication of this article.
The authors received no financial support for the
research and/or authorship of this article.
1) Gulbins H, Pritisanac A, Ennker J. Axillary versus femoral
cannulation for aortic surgery: enough evidence for a general recommendation? Ann Thorac Surg 2007;83:1219-24.
2) Sinclair MC, Singer RL, Manley NJ, Montesano RM.
Cannulation of the axillary artery for cardiopulmonary
bypass: safeguards and pitfalls. Ann Thorac Surg